Aatrox is one of the only Champions that can beat you 1v1 as he can stack up his q on you and has e to dodge through wall.
W also pulls you back if you misplay.
100% Recommended Ban
Has kill potential with her E but can easily be negated with Q stun.
Hold your Q in this matchup as if she jumps on you without Q its not fun.
After 6 you can easily get away with ult.
You're both just AFK farming but cho has pretty much no kill threat to you since you have wall to block him off easily.
If they run Ghost/Flash then be careful in lane.
Pre 6 is a struggle as if he hooks you and you dont have wall or Q then you die most times.
However holding your spells make this matchup easy for you.
Dr. Mundo
Same as Cho'gath for kill potential.
Just sit back and scale with eachother.
Just keep hitting autos on her with grasp and you will eventually become unkillable in lane.
Dont give away early kills as it could get really rough if she has riposte up for your Q.
He has W to negate the stun from your Q, however with wall up it makes it near impossible for him to kill.
Only way he kills is Flash Ignite Ults you. Just hold flash for the combo and you will be fine.
Will likely push you in quick so just try to last hit as well as you can.
Just hold Q for when he jumps on you and you can walk away alive from any combo.
Post 6 becomes alot easier.
If he presses E and hits then you can negate the combo if you time Q for when he hits.
He is also useless after he uses E so just walk away and press wall pre 6.
One of the more annoying champs as her Hallowed Mist makes Q useless.
Make sure to keep wall up incase she goes all in.
Post 6 becomes alot easier as your ult allows you to walk away from nearly all fights.
She has no way to get on top of you unless you misplay. Easy lane for you to stack up Grasp and Heartsteel.
If she ever goes all in on you, just hold q until shes on top of you and q her then wall and walk away.
Similar to camile matchup however becomes really easy post 6 for you.
He has to Q-W-E in order to get damage to you. If you Q when he jumps on top of you it negates any damage and you walk away.
One of the easiest matchups for Anivia.
Can poke you a bit but not enough damage to kill.
Anytime he Qs you with hammer you just press Q and negate a combo.
Easy to get stacks aswell.
He can only get on top of you if he ults, to which you ult and q to walk away.
Pre 6 just collect stacks on him.
By the time he gets damage in his kit, you will have enough health to negate it all.
Can poke you but if he ever tries to ult or dive you, just press ult and q and W to block him off.
Your passive also makes it nearly impossible to be dove under tower.
His Q doesnt have enough CC to keep you in range for a kill. Any time he jumps on you, just Q and walk away like usual.
His ult has alot of kill potential, however if you have passive up then its easy to survive any all in he does.
His E is a problem but your Q allows you to walk away if he tries to all in you,
If he ults you, just kite his spells and allow your ult and wall to slow him down.
His W is annoying but wall pretty much makes it impossible for him to kill you.
Your Q is really useful against him.
Only chance he has of kill is an all in with ult. Run under tower and press w to stop him. You will have enough health from your items and passive to survive.
Just a farm-fest.
Enjoy the stacks I guess.
His W gives him a bit of a combo but you can zone with Q and ult.
Your ult and Q makes it impossible for her to all in you.
Just be prepared for alot of poke.
He doesnt have enough damage to kill you in lane. Just Q-W him if he tries to get on top of you.
Not much kill potential if you hold your Q to stop him running to you.
If he ever runs you down, just press q-w and it stops anything happening.
Whenever he ults you just Q him after he slams you down then walk away with ult slowing him down.
Never enough damage to kill you, especially with your passive up.
When he runs at you, just press w and hold q if he gets close.
Ult makes this matchup alot easier.
Farm-Fest again
Free stacks all game.
Just hold q for when he runs at you and press W.
Also ask your jungler for assistance and make this teemo regret picking teemo.
His pillar can be a problem, but you counter it with your wall and Q stun.
Ult will be annoying late game so be wary.
Same as Jax, if he spins onto you, press q and walk away.
Anytime he ults, you ult to slow and walk away.
Another farm fest. He never has enough damage to kill you. Easy to get stacks.
He only has E to get close to you. Just hold q and wall him away and its easy for you in lane.
One of the more intimidating champs as his ult negates tower which can give him enough time to kill you under turret.
W is your best friend in this matchup as his Q resets if he gets stunned, making your Q worse.
Ult is also important to slow him in his all in.
Play with your range and if he runs at you, press q and play more passive until it is back up.
If he goes all in on you, your passive makes it impossible to kill fully. You also have W and Q to stop him.
His cage is a problem but you have enough cc to stop alot of his damage from coming.
Hold wall until he cages you then try to hit your Q and Ult.
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