League of Legends (LoL) Question: Any tip to be a better ADC with Ashe?
Posted in Champions | Tags:
Berserker's Greaves
Blade of the Ruined King
Infinity Edge
Phantom Dancer
The Bloodthirster

Any tip to be a better ADC with Ashe?
Hello, im new to this forum.
I'm playing Ashe as ADC and im making this builds every time i can make it:
1.-Berserker's Greaves.
2.-Blade of the ruined king.
3.- Stormazor.
4.- Phantom dancer.
5.- The bloodthirster (if i can make it)
6.- Infinity edge.
Well, i need some tips for make me more useful to my team, i don't know if this is the correct builds (i checked all probuilds, etc, but i need some tips aniways <-<)
Thank you!
I'm playing Ashe as ADC and im making this builds every time i can make it:
1.-Berserker's Greaves.
2.-Blade of the ruined king.
3.- Stormazor.
4.- Phantom dancer.
5.- The bloodthirster (if i can make it)
6.- Infinity edge.
Well, i need some tips for make me more useful to my team, i don't know if this is the correct builds (i checked all probuilds, etc, but i need some tips aniways <-<)
Thank you!
Focus on your ADC fundamentals first that'll get you much further. I suggest looking over phrox's videos they helped me a great deal when I was still in the AD Carry business.
2. As @ Hamstertamer said, drop the
3. As your 5th item you'll usually either want a second
You can also buy either a
4. For your 6th item, you definitely want a defensive item or a
5. For runes, there are basically two keystones you can take depending on the matchup / your own preferences:
6. Your Q (
Auto attack --> Q --> Auto attack in quick succession (making sure the first auto is fired first)
to almost simultaneously attack two times without waiting as long as you would usually.
7. You can check out this section of my Jinx guide or this section of VaporaDark's Ashe guide to get a good feel for how to teamfight later on.
If you don't want to read, there's this video by SkillCapped that goes over the topic as well.
8. If you're interested in wave control (and subsequently how to get a lot of farm), check out this video by ****Huap
9. In general, you can watch relevant Skill Capped videos to learn more about the role:
Relevant video
If i don't buy stormazor, wich item i should buy? i just buy sotrmazor for tha atk speed..
With one Zeal upgrade + IE you're at 60% crit chance, with two you're at 100% crit chance, you even reach 90% crit chance very quickly with one upgraded zeal item + a non-upgraded Zeal. Basically what's the point of Stormrazor if you can crit on every hit.
To be a good player (in any role) it not just the build and runes it may be decition making, and mechanics and more, so help us help you :D
To be a good player (in any role) it not just the build and runes it may be decition making, and mechanics and more, so help us help you :D
Bronze 2 soloQ silver 5 flex 5vs 5.. i think i need a tip to get more farm and face the enemies in late game..
The main thing in farming is to deal the last hit, you should try to figure what is your basic attack damage around each phase of the game, and then what is your range of the basic attack so you would position yourself close enough to deal it. You can practice on farming in the practice tool as the ealiest waves are the hardest as your damage is the lowest, True is much harder while there are enemies but it will let you focus on what you try to acchive.
Last thing is farming under tower, usually full HP mele minion will need to take 2 tower shots and then 1 basic attack, and caster minion will need 1 basic attack then 1 tower shot then 1 more basic attack (in total 2 basic attacks and 1 tower shots).
for wave management i suggest to check SRO as he teach it very clear. link for the specific video list
if you have more questions that i can answer you welcome to ask :D.