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Blitzcrank Build Guide by waffleoid

Middle AP Blitzcrank Tactical Nuke Build (MID/SUPPORT) 14.12

Middle AP Blitzcrank Tactical Nuke Build (MID/SUPPORT) 14.12

Updated on June 15, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author waffleoid Build Guide By waffleoid 8 3 31,570 Views 2 Comments
8 3 31,570 Views 2 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author waffleoid Blitzcrank Build Guide By waffleoid Updated on June 15, 2024
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Manaflow Band

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


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LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


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Champion Build Guide

AP Blitzcrank Tactical Nuke Build (MID/SUPPORT) 14.12

By waffleoid

AP Blitz. Where the magic happen.

An introduction to AP Blitz.

Hello everyobdy! Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to grab the enemy by the neck and force them to call you daddy and other similar names while they can do nothing about it? Then use AP blitz. Blitz supp is very strong, however heavily underutilizing Blitz! While his kit is very great at supporting others and bringing the team closer to victory it is also extremely powerful. With high AP scaling and instant burst damage blitz is an extremely powerful character who can be played in support and mid lane.

Laning Phase

You are weakest during the laning phase. here you are unable to use Blitz' true power of becoming a nuke and must play carefully. Gain CS, and if you can, Q the enemy laner under your turret into E for a free and easy kill!!!!. Build ludens so that you can have enough mana to play and have decent AP. Also, do not be afraid to Q, however,while the range is not infinite, it is very long, so make sure to use that to your advantage.


Finally, after building ludens, sorc boots and rabadons to have insane AP you are able to absolutely destroy any opponent you come across. The jungler ganks you, onetapped, the mid walks up, dragged under tower and DESTROYED! The supp dare walk up to you and gets hit with a Q and gets taken down quickly. This is when you can truly become powerful before late-game and all hell breaks lose. If you truly wish, you can roam to help your teammates, however, you are AP Blitzcrank, they do not need your help. Venture down lane, gathering kills and destroying all you can see. But make sure to roam and get kills to complete your bounty hunter rune, as that will give you the gold advantage to slam even harder. If you are losing by now, it is time for you to sit back and relax, wait for your teammates and then hit that juicy Q so that you may get the easiest kill of your life.


Hopefully by now you have managed to build void staff and shadow flame. Once they see how hard you have dominated your lane, they will surely build MR out of sure terror and fear, however that will not help them, as void staff will tear that apart. Shadowflame will also assist in this, and help you bully even harder with it's passive. If the game lasts long enough for you to build lichbane, congrats, you have truly achieved peak Tactical Nuke Build, now you should be able to 100-0 anyone instantly, and if you cannot, that is suprising! They must be super tanky. Make sure to report them. Simply help with objectives and roam into lame ocassioanly to terrify the laner and eat them and deny their CS. You by now have become a true horror for the enemy team. Just your Q deals 1k damage.

For new Blitz players

Congrats. You are embarking on a perilous yet great adventure. In this adventure you will learn how to play AP Blitz and dominate the enemy team. Your Q is a long range grab which will help in letting your teammates get easy hits or getting the enemy laner under tower, precise timing and good aim will be required (lie). Your W allows you to escape easily or chase someone to their death, however do not use it often early game as it eats up your mana. Your E allows you to send your opponent soaring only to fall back on their *** for you to hit them with your R. Your R is a powerful ability, its passive makes your AAs empowered, allowing you to deal additional damage while it is not on cooldown, however, R is one your most strongest spell so you will be using it quite often. It is an extremely powerful ability that deals large amounts of damage in an AOE area.
During early game, your Q and W eat up a lot of mana, so make sure not to use them too often.
I also suggest to not immediately go mid, as it is much more difficult than supp. Play support for a few games and learn Blitz and then when you are more prepared, go mid.

Tips and tricks

Blitz' main combo is Q>E>R
Your Q to E combo actually leaves time for the enemy to get out due to how slow your autos are, so make sure to use W inbetween if you want to confirm the combo.
R's passive damage is actually very large, and not even using R and just autoing the opponent might be more in your favour.
Q is extremely powerful and can shoot through walls, if the enemy flashes or destroys a ward and you have the mana and the sheer steel balls to shoot wildly, hit Q and pray you land it.

Thank you for reading this guide!!!

As a Blitz enthusiast I have enjoyed destroying many opponents with AP Blitz and am glad to be able to create a guide for new players. I hope you enjoy the gameplay and can squash your games.

Nerfs & Buffs
Since 12.5-12.12 Blitzcrank has 50 less HP and is slighty slower. Play a little more careful early game and dont relly too hard on your W until you put some levels into it
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League of Legends Build Guide Author waffleoid
waffleoid Blitzcrank Guide
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