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Blitzcrank Build Guide by CatGopher98

Support AP Blitzcrank: The Blitzcrank Special

Support AP Blitzcrank: The Blitzcrank Special

Updated on January 24, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CatGopher98 Build Guide By CatGopher98 645 41 1,026,926 Views 9 Comments
645 41 1,026,926 Views 9 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author CatGopher98 Blitzcrank Build Guide By CatGopher98 Updated on January 24, 2024
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Runes: Magik

1 2
Dark Harvest
Cheap Shot
Eyeball Collection
Ultimate Hunter

Absolute Focus
Gathering Storm

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
Burn, "As long as it takes."
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Ability Order Hooker? I barely know her

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

AP Blitzcrank: The Blitzcrank Special

By CatGopher98
This build isn't supposed to be optimal, just funny. Don't take it seriously if you're actually trying to maximize Blitzcrank's potential in the support role.
Imagine blissfully walking around with no care in the world. Out of nowhere, you get hooked and get caught in an electric explosion. The next thing you know, you're dead.
Welcome to the Blitzcrank Special, a build that will make your adc and enemies mald. Your hook and ult combo will one-shot, and your ult will be available almost instantly late game. If you don't instantly kill your target, your knock-up will buy your teammates enough time to finish them off. Although you won't be tanky anymore and will probably be victim to being one-shot yourself, Blitzcrank was always meant for picks anyways.
The Math (Mejai's)
Disregarding infinitely scaling factors:
Dark Harvest
Gathering Storm

Raw AP
Luden's Companion: 90
Mejai's Soulstealer (Fully Stacked): 125 + 20 = 145
Rabadon's Deathcap: 140
Shadowflame: 120
Lich Bane: 100
Elixer of Sorcery: 50

Eyeball Collection (Fully Stacked): 20 + 10 = 30
Absolute Focus (Above 70% HP): 30
Adaptive Force: 9 + 9 = 18

Subtotal: 723

35% (Rabadon's Deathcap) of 723: 253.05

Total: 976.05

Rocket Grab Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): 285 + (120% of 976.05 = 1171.26) = 1456.26
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 1456.26: 291.252
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 976.05 = 80.244): 120.244*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25

Total (Used First): 1935.596
Total (Not Used First): 1772.512

Power Fist Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): (80% of 121.5 = 97.2) + (25% of 976.05 = 244.0125) = 341.2125
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 341.2125: 68.2425
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 976.05 = 80.244): 120.244*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25

Total (Used First): 1207.064
Total (Not Used First): 1043.98

Static Field Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): 525 + 976.05 = 1501.05
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 1501.05: 300.21
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 976.05 = 80.244): 120.244*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25

Total (Used First): 1989.344
Total (Not Used First): 1826.26

Sorcerer's Shoes: 18 magic penetration
Shadowflame: 10 magic penetration

Total: 28 magic penetration
The Math: (No Mejai's)
Disregarding infinitely scaling factors:
Dark Harvest
Gathering Storm

Raw AP
Luden's Companion: 90
Rabadon's Deathcap: 140
Shadowflame: 120
Banshee's Veil: 120
Lich Bane: 100
Elixer of Sorcery: 50

Eyeball Collection (Fully Stacked): 20 + 10 = 30
Absolute Focus (Above 70% HP): 30
Adaptive Force: 9 + 9 = 18

Subtotal: 698

35% (Rabadon's Deathcap) of 698: 244.3

Total: 942.3

Rocket Grab Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): 285 + (120% of 942.3 = 1130.76) = 1415.76
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 1415.76: 283.152
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 942.3 = 75.384): 115.384*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25

Total (Used First): 1884.296
Total (Not Used First): 1723.912

Power Fist Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): (80% of 121.5 = 97.2) + (25% of 942.3 = 235.575) = 332.775
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 332.775: 66.555
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 942.3 = 75.384): 115.384*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25

Total (Used First): 1177.364
Total (Not Used First): 1016.98

Static Field Damage
Base Damage (Fully Leveled): 525 + 942.3 = 1467.3
Shadowflame (Enemy Below 35% HP): 20% of 1467.3: 293.46
Luden's Companion: 40 + (8% of 942.3 = 75.384): 115.384*
Cheap Shot (Enemy Impaired): 45*
Elixer of Sorcery: 25

Total (Used First): 1946.144
Total (Not Used First): 1785.76

Sorcerer's Shoes: 18 magic penetration
Shadowflame: 10 magic penetration

Total: 28 magic penetration
Combo Damage
Mejai's Build
Q -> E -> R: 1935.596 + 1043.98 + 1826.26 = 4805.836

No Mejai's Build
Q -> E -> R: 1884.296 + 1016.98 + 1785.76 = 4687.036
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League of Legends Build Guide Author CatGopher98
CatGopher98 Blitzcrank Guide
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AP Blitzcrank: The Blitzcrank Special

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