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Recommended Items
Runes: Hard lategame - Recommended
Ability Order
Rising Spell Force (PASSIVE)
Ezreal Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Champion Build Guide
General Information
Hello everyone!
Maybe you think, that AP Ezreal in Midlane is like trolling and I fully understand that.
On the other hand you can have so much fun playing like that. And it is not even a bad pick in some scenarios. So try it out!
If you train this pick, you may get rewarded for doing so. His single target damage output is insanely high and his R gives you this special feeling, when (nearly) oneshotting someone or getting easy kill(s) (especially with Dark Harvest).
If you like poking your enemy into madness, feel free to do so.
I won't explan any more to Items, Runes,...(Look in Notes).
Feel free to try it on your own and maybe change some little things on them.
- Extremly high damage potential
- Exclusive Lategamecarry!! Don't give up until you experienced Fullbuild (before your enemy)
- Easy poking in Laningphase (W-E prio. of the E, be in range of the E!)
- E is multitool for engange/disengage/dodging/roaming/against ganks
- Good Roaming with R (Don't underestimate the damage of AP Ez R)
- Very mobile with E
- AP scaling on all abilities (magic damage), Q makes hybrid damage with Lich Bane
- Low CS, very hard to catch up with the enemy
- Very squishy
--> Your E can save you in many situations, keep it ready; just use for poking/aggressive, if it seems safe for you
- Very weak in Earlygame
- Pure damage, no defence or stunns...
- Got no Skill, being useless the whole game (Skillshots) // Gotta Hit 'Em All
It is all about high risk, high reward!
It's hard to play AP Ezreal in Midlane and even harder, being good and useful. If you manage to do so, you will have so insanely much fun while feeling your ethical demise against your enemies - They will experience true fear all over the map.
Keep in mind: AP Ezreal Midlane is used to be a high damage dealer. So deal damage and buy AP - Burst them down!
Thinking of the League-Community: Please do not try this in Ranked before practicing!
My AP Ezreal Midlane started with the "old" Ezreal. The guide I used in that time and this guide is based on is located here:
This guide might be updated frequently, if nessecary. Feel free to comment your ideas!
Created 07.05.2024
Newest 07.05.2024
Maybe you think, that AP Ezreal in Midlane is like trolling and I fully understand that.
On the other hand you can have so much fun playing like that. And it is not even a bad pick in some scenarios. So try it out!
If you train this pick, you may get rewarded for doing so. His single target damage output is insanely high and his R gives you this special feeling, when (nearly) oneshotting someone or getting easy kill(s) (especially with Dark Harvest).
If you like poking your enemy into madness, feel free to do so.
I won't explan any more to Items, Runes,...(Look in Notes).
Feel free to try it on your own and maybe change some little things on them.
- Extremly high damage potential
- Exclusive Lategamecarry!! Don't give up until you experienced Fullbuild (before your enemy)
- Easy poking in Laningphase (W-E prio. of the E, be in range of the E!)
- E is multitool for engange/disengage/dodging/roaming/against ganks
- Good Roaming with R (Don't underestimate the damage of AP Ez R)
- Very mobile with E
- AP scaling on all abilities (magic damage), Q makes hybrid damage with Lich Bane
- Low CS, very hard to catch up with the enemy
- Very squishy
--> Your E can save you in many situations, keep it ready; just use for poking/aggressive, if it seems safe for you
- Very weak in Earlygame
- Pure damage, no defence or stunns...
- Got no Skill, being useless the whole game (Skillshots) // Gotta Hit 'Em All
It is all about high risk, high reward!
It's hard to play AP Ezreal in Midlane and even harder, being good and useful. If you manage to do so, you will have so insanely much fun while feeling your ethical demise against your enemies - They will experience true fear all over the map.
Keep in mind: AP Ezreal Midlane is used to be a high damage dealer. So deal damage and buy AP - Burst them down!
Thinking of the League-Community: Please do not try this in Ranked before practicing!
My AP Ezreal Midlane started with the "old" Ezreal. The guide I used in that time and this guide is based on is located here:
This guide might be updated frequently, if nessecary. Feel free to comment your ideas!
Created 07.05.2024
Newest 07.05.2024
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