- She is really mobile
- Her passive gives her shield when she hits you based on you beeing AD or AP, it has pretty high cooldown early
- Her Q is AA reset, bonus on-hit damage. It has second cast, that she can activate immediately for the same effect or after short interval and a specific sound you can hear, she can cast it to do a massive true damage on-hit.
- Her W is slash in a cone. It has inner edge where she just deals small amount of damage and outer edge that you can clearly see beeing different, that deals a considerable amount of damage, heals her and slows you
- Her E is jump that consists of two parts. First Part she drags herself to a wall, second she has a short interval to jump from the wall in certain direction. If she hits a hero she knocks you a little bit, gives damage and gains attack speed.
- Her Ultimate lets her target enemy champion she jumps into the air becoming untargatable, so she can use it to outplay certain spells, then landing and locking target champion in an "arena" with herself, as well as knocking enemy champions around the target. she also gets bonus on-hit damage inside. It is really good for duels and catching targets. ..................................................................................
- Flash will not save you from her Ultimate.
- If she already casted ultimate and is in the air, she will follow any dashes etc.
________________~Build Specific~________________
- If she has E, try to play around exactly the opposite than she is, that way you make it hard for her to land her enormly distant jump
- After LVL 6, don't walk up far into the lane, she can all in you with ult and you have no way of escaping
- Really Mobile toplaner
- She starts Q - dash, which refreshes if she kills the target
- Her Passive gives her stacks (max 4) giving her Attack Speed, as well as bonus dmg at max stacks. When hitting champions she keeps the stacks and doesn't lose them.
- She gains stacks by hitting Q's. So be careful early levels, she can quickly kill minions to reset her Q and then jump on you with 4 stacks, even level 1
- You either have to hard trade her before first minions are low so she cannot access them and then spacing her, trying to crush the waves asap
- Or letting her push, but playing from far away
- When she get other spells ,she can create a line from blades that will stun you and reset her Q, if she uses Q on you that's her E
- Her double W will consume a lot of damage, while she is charging it and then according to charging time she will deal higher amount of damage with it in a certain direction. If it hits you, she gains passive stack.
- Her ultimate is pretty deadly. If it hits you, it deals some dmg, slowing you, giving irelia a mark on you that will reset her Q if she jumps on you, and creating area of blades that will slow you if you try to walk through it, giving you some damage once again.
- It is a skillshot, and if she is casting it from far away it is also not that uncommon that she can miss
- If you walk too far into the lane vs her, she can turn the tides really fast, so you have to be cautious. After 6, it is even more dangerous, she is going to try and cast stun and then Close range with Q's and then adjust E direction so she can stun you for free. Her ult can then slow you after you flash
- His main ability is his Q
- His only way of outplaying you pre-6 is to try and hit Q's on you to get closer with each Q hit
- His E is dash that he can use during Q cast, so he is going to cast Q and at the last possible moment cast E to get you
- Avoiding Qs - first is easiest to avoid to sides, because it has far reach but is narrow.
- Second Q is wide, but not as far
- Third Q is the strongest, but he has to cast it near himself and the empowered area is where he lands
- After 6, be careful, he gets tons of movement speed
- You are basically playing dance with Aatrox, trying to bait him, into bad Q's while trading him, making him angry and forcing him into bad R
- Don't walk up that far into the lane if you are not considerably more fed than he is
- If you want to try and all in with him, always consider flashing from his 3d Q's empowered Q and consider having Chakrams+R, so you can utilize your max damage vs melee
- He is not much of a threat early
- He's passive lifesteal is pretty good, so if he has enough minions and enough time, he can get his HP back pretty quickly
- His W is really annoying, giving you a big slow and slowing your attack nearly as much
- High probability he is going to run Ghost
- After Level 6 he is going to try and run you down the line with using W+R+Ghost, making you really slow, and he is going to be able to spam Qs due to lower cooldown when beeing in R.
- So try to run something like Cleanse+Nimbus Cloak to be able to run from this "combo", but if you are not going to dominate early, it will be pretty difficult for you to kill him 1v1 due to his W effect
- Has strong lvl 1 with lethal tempo if you let him auto attack you for free, His Passive is nearly same as Lethal Tempo, although he can stack in on anything and doesn't get bonus range.
- Most often he starts with E, which block autoattacks and stuns at the end of duration, or when he cancels it early
- LVL 2 he usually lvls up Q, which lets him jump on target, so he is going to start his most common combo E+q to try and jump on you and stun you, while being safe from autoattacks
- His W is bonus damage on next AA and AA reset as well
- On level 6 he gets his ultimate, which gives him Passively: bonus on-hit Damage on third AA
- When activating ultimate, he deals bonus damage around and gets bonus resists based on enemy champion hit
- So, his gameplay doesn't change that much during the Game
- You have to be really careful, he can rush Sheen, to just short trade into you and then it is hard for you to react, while you cannot land AA during his E
- Really straight forward champion
- His Passive stacks with AA and Q hits
- His Passive bleeds you the more stack he has, on max stacks(5), he also gets massive AD bonus
- His Q is spin with the AXE, in the outer, more visible area, he heals a ton, deals more dmg and applies passive. If you are in the inner Area you get less damage and no passive stack or out of the Area of his Q, where you just dodge it.
- W is bonus damage on next attack, big slow, autoattack reset, resets on killing a minion
- E drags every enemy located in a cone
- R deals more damage the more stacks of passive you have, so if he has max stacks(5) his r just destroys you. On kill he has some time to use it again.
- Most Darius players run Flash+Ghost, think about matching his summoners, because if you can react to his summoners with yours, then he is no threat, while his E range shouldn't be bigger than your AA range
- Whole gameplay for you is matching his summs with yours and reacting to his gameplay while trying to autoattack him at the same time
- Highly Mobile Duelist
- Be Careful Not to run into her W, it will slow your movement speed as well as attack speed greatly
- You can play around range advantage and she should never reach you with Q poke
- try to always poke her out and never get too confident to all in, rather just continue taking good trades
- She will probably be forced into flashing into you, and use stacks from Passive+Ultimate to get movement speed and try to chase you down the line, if she wants to kill you
- Try to not be too predictable with use of gravitum, so she cannot Riposte (W) it
Dr. Mundo
- Stat champion
- He has high HP, high HP regen and damage scaling with HP
- His Passive makes him avoid next cc, try to collect it if possible by stepping on it. If he collects it, it lowers the cooldown of his Passive and gives him some HP back
- his Q deals damage scaling with your current HP, and slows you, it has pretty low cooldown
- He runs Ghost often, so you have to watch out, he is able to ULT+Ghost to gain so much movement speed and close distance that way
- But he is not much of a deal, his main gameplay is trying to outmatch you with his stats and just beat you down
________________~Build Specific~________________
- his Q is the most reliable way to kill you, try to dodge them
- He cannot close range without hitting Q on you
- He has good sustain due to his passive giving him mana and hp back when killing enemy, so he is able to kill minions to get more
- His Q is knock up with a considerable slow afterwards, thats the spell you have to avoid. It is a circle Area that he can cast from far away.
- He screams his W giving you silence and some damage, but this has much shorter range
- E empowers his next 3 Attacks, dealing bonus damage based on your max hp, also slowing you. e is going to try and hit minions and hit you with spikes that fly after he attacks a target with his E.
- His best chace against you is hitting you with Q, then flashing or running towards you, hitting you with E auto attacks to further slow you and finish you with R, which is targeted spell with which he can devour you under certain amount of HP
I don't see Gnar as much of a threat for you. By picking the right weapons he should have hard times vs you. Same goes for Mega Gnar. if your weapons are corect and you dont let him CC you into oblivion or get near you. He should be a pretty easy matchup. His range should be a really big downside for him.
Make her suffer.
You can dodge her E's easily, and without them, she has no way of killing you. also because of her range dissadvantage.
She can help every aspect you are good at, when playing in midgame.
Because obviously this build is for top, so you will meet with lulu later.
She can help every aspect you are good at, when playing in midgame.
Because obviously this build is for top, so you will meet with lulu later.
Aphelios has been one of the worst ADCs.
After having his ap scaling in mind for a while I thought to myself.
And decided it is a good idea to try this "awesome" build.
On the flip side. Aphelios has pretty decent AP scalings.
A top of that, his power ups for AD,AS and L:ethality are still viable.
AD stil lscales with spells, you have stronger autoattacks ...
Attack speed is viable with nashor's tooth and beeing able to poke more easily.
Lethality is so viable, because even tho you are basiclly building full AP, lot of your spells still do AD damage even tho they scale really good with AP.
So basiclly, your spells are just getting a lot stronger and more powerfull, making everybody question their existence and scratching their heads thinking about why are they still playing this game.
But what can be more powerfull ?
You are buolding full AP, still benefiting from the base LEthality upgrades greatly.
With 200 years of funny builds experience under my belt, I can tell you, that this one build is a build to play if you want to confuse your enemies as well as yourself.
Aphelios is one of the harder champs to master. So even me, a skilled player by nature :kappa:, had some problem navigatiing him even tho I played him. (not for 200 years tho, that probably the problem.)
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