League of Legends (LoL) Question: AP offtank Cho'gath build: Nashor's Tooth or Wit's End?
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Nashor's Tooth
Wit's End

AP offtank Cho'gath build: Nashor's Tooth or Wit's End?
So after mastering two tanks (Tahm Kench and Gaeren), I decided to work on mastering Cho'Gath. Im trying to play him as an AP Offtank and I'm working on a build for him. In doing research on other builds, I've learned Wit's End is a good item for Cho; However, I've also learned that Nashor's Tooth is also good an AP heavy Cho'Gath. I was wondering, which is generally better on Cho? I know its largely situational, but I'm just curious. Thank you.
There are times either could be better but for a general discussion,