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Ability Order
Loaded Dice (PASSIVE)
Twisted Fate Passive Ability

Twisted fate has not had much love since his ult got nerfed a long time ago, but in my opinion he is still strong. I find him to be a good solo queue champ because of his ability to push up his lane and quickly gank others. This will in turn help your team snowball into victory through kills. I have played him a lot in ranked and normals, and this build works well in both.
TF requires a unique playstyle that is different from most AP champs. In lane he pokes you to death and outfarms you, and in teamfights he can assassinate the carry and control the enemy through a low cooldown stun.

Just remember... Yellow Blue Red Yellow Blue Red Picking the right card when you need to is vital to success, and comes with practice.

Remember pick

As soon as the game starts buy your starting items and head into your jungle to protect your jungler. You'll probably want to take a spot in the brush to look for incoming ganks (though if theyre's a

Focus on farming by using your Blue card for some extra last hitting oomph. I find that using my blue card to last hit makes it infinitely easier. Once you're level 2 you can start using

FIRST BLOOD! I find that it's very easy to get first blood with TF. As you've been farming your stray wild cards have been hitting your enemy, slowly lowering their health. If they are ~200 health you can kill them with a simple trick.
1. Make sure your next hit will proc

2. Lock in your Yellow Card when you're within Flash distance.

4. Aim your


6. Profit.
This can also be accomplished if they are b'ing under tower (though I wouldn't do it vs a lvl 6

Having Troube?:
If you are having trouble against your enemy mid, never fear! One of the best things about TF is he can choose to not duke it out with his lane mate, and gank other lanes instead. For instance I recently had a ranked game where I versed an AP

If you are low on farm you can always pick up

Avoiding Ganks:
You will quickly notice you are pushing up the lane quite a bit, and are therefore vulnerable to ganks. This is ok, because TF is a hard champion to gank since he can usually Yellow Card and run away. However, if you're against a jungler with a nice gap closer such as

First Return:

catalyst the protector - I only get this if I'm literally getting owned in lane. Just try to not die and farm.

1. Push your lane up past midpoint.
2. Make sure your next hit will proc

3. Walk backwards into the fog of war so your enemy doesn't see where you go.
4. Walk towards the lane you want to gank. (Mouseover your R to see the range of his ult)
5. Once you're close enough lock in Yellow Card then use

6. Click R again where you want to port in.
7. Hit them with your Yellow Card if they're not already stunned (or stun right after the other stun ends if they are already stunned).
8. Hit them with


10. Profit.
The reason for locking in Yellow Card before you ult is because

So Where Do I Port in When I Ult?
When ganking another lane try to port in either in a nearby brush that will cut off the fleeing enemy. (I'll try to get a screenshot of this whenever I remember to hit Print Screen while killing fools).
If you are finishing off a low health champ by yourself just port in right on top of the enemy so they cannot run. If they use

Focus on securing objective such as Dragon or Baron. If your team is fighting or grouping to fight make sure you're either with them or within ult range of them. Communicate with your team to let them know you'll ult in if a fight breaks loose, or else they will think they are 4v5.

sheen rod - You should have this item as well, it will give you a nice boost to your burst damage and more importantly help you kill turrets when you split push.

The reason split pushing is so strong is it forces the other team to make quick decisions.
Case 1: They force a fight on your team since you're split from them. You ult in and even the odds of the fight while the creeps do work on their tower.
Case 2: They send 1 person to stop your split push. You tell your team to initiate on them, you ult in, the fight is now 5v4.
Otherwise make sure to always be with your team. Late game is all about winning teamfights, and if your team gets caught in a bad position or down a man it could mean GG. Roam as a team, and make sure to stay in the back since you will be quite squishy.

If a team fight breaks out in the jungle or where there's a lot of brush make sure to use

When you're in teamfights try to Yellow Card /

If their AD carry is just wrecking your team, you may want to consider diving them with

greater seal of vitality: Since TF doesn't need much mana regen because of his Blue Cards these are great runes to take. There aren't many other good alternatives.

Some viable alternatives:

The offense tree masteries are pretty straightforward. I find reduced time dead and increased movespeed better than the mana regen masteries since TF has blue cards.
That being said 9/0/21 is also viable, it will let you be more controlly / supporty but deal less damage.


I wouldn't really get anything else.

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