League of Legends (LoL) Question: AP vs Magic Pen for some champs?
Posted in Items | Tags:
Haunting Guise
Liandry's Torment
Void Staff

AP vs Magic Pen for some champs?
For certain champions, for example like
Elise, building magic penetration items like
Haunting Guise and
Void Staff are better then items like
Rabadon's Deathcap for her ability scaling. (
Sejuani too?)
Why is magic pen considered simply better than AP on some champs?

Why is magic pen considered simply better than AP on some champs?
This concept can be used for any champ. "Does my champ have good base damages or good scaling?" is the question that will determine whether Magic Pen or AP should be bought. Most supports and heavy utility mages want penetration whereas most burst mages will have great AP scaling and want to buy days of AP and a