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Recommended Items
Runes: Personal choice
+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health
Most common
Ability Order If you go Collector
Attack Damage
Attack Speed
Threats & Synergies
She is just a heavy counter to you even when she isn't fed because she can erase your q's and ults with her bs ability
98 percent of the time I do amazing with a good Nami
98 percent of the time I do amazing with a good Nami
Champion Build Guide
Now with lethal tempo gone(which was my go to rune) PTA is almost always the way to go. Blend Crit and AS and you have a champ that just might be playable.
For all builds you should upgrade to Zephyr as soon as you can.
Hi I am an Aphelios OTP. I peaked Plat 4 playing only Aphelios. Over multiple accounts, I have just under 1 mil points of mastery on Aphelios (I just kept getting banned for being good with my vocabulary and responding passionately to other players).
I really like playing Aphelios. I like his lore and his skins. Really everything about him except his current meta build and his own state in the overall meta.
Eclipse(even after the recent nerfs) is still a very strong item on Aphelios and triggering the passive should be fairly easy since at all times Aphelios has 2 weapons and two Q's.
For all builds you should upgrade to Zephyr as soon as you can.
Hi I am an Aphelios OTP. I peaked Plat 4 playing only Aphelios. Over multiple accounts, I have just under 1 mil points of mastery on Aphelios (I just kept getting banned for being good with my vocabulary and responding passionately to other players).
I really like playing Aphelios. I like his lore and his skins. Really everything about him except his current meta build and his own state in the overall meta.
Eclipse(even after the recent nerfs) is still a very strong item on Aphelios and triggering the passive should be fairly easy since at all times Aphelios has 2 weapons and two Q's.
Sorcery vs. Domination as 2nd runes
My little pet peeve with
is the healing is not that great anymore.
offers you insane damage late game so if you think a game can get to the late game always go for it as a secondary rune page.
is best used for games you somehow know will end quickly (for whatever reason) and for the
if you really like
(for whatever reason.....*****(jk))

Personal opinion on each weapon
My favorite Gun. The Q makes you feel like an absolute BADASS and provides actual mobility for your otherwise immobile champion. Not to mention that beautiful Ult has saved me many times because of the healing it provides. It synergizes best with
Each autoattack deals bonus dmg(hell yea boiii). The
Q has a really nice cone-like range which you can actually abuse if you use the corners of the cone. Also this weapon has hands down one of the best minion clear potential IN THE GAME. Also at the begging of the game you can use the Q to stack a lot of chakrams but after you have established your weapon queue I wouldn't go out of my way to stack chakrams that way. And its ult is in my opinion the best one out of the other 4. Synergy:
The infamous chakram.
On its own, it's not that great. But when combined with weapons that can stack those chakrams(basically everything except
) you can reach the highest damage potential Aphelios can reach. The Ult gives you a nice amount of chakrams so don't hesitate to use it. Also, the turret combined with
can kill champions you shouldn't be able to kill normally. Just make sure you actually activate the marks
It is not that bad I just have a weird love-hate relationship with it which is funny because the lethality build makes this weapon shine. It is probably one of the trickier weapons to use especially getting used to utilizing the marks. The best usage of this weapon is definitely with
. Also, the Ult is not bad at all because it can allow you to pick off low-health enemies from a far kinda like Caitlyn(but actually takes skill and has less range). Make sure you use this weapon with:
You big slow chonky boi. Farming early with this weapon makes me want to toaster myself. The root is nice but IMO it should last longer. This weapon basically turns you into Ashe which is a champion I despise. The best use of this weapon is with
Q to farm and mass stun nearby enemies or just use the ult to root one or multiple targets who are a bit further away. Its synergy with
should not be overlooked tho. If you hit a
Q and then use
Q you will deal decent damage(even more so with the Lethality build) or just root them from afar. However
is part of the worst weapon combo which is
. This combo has no synergy whatsoever and should always be avoided.

My favorite Gun. The Q makes you feel like an absolute BADASS and provides actual mobility for your otherwise immobile champion. Not to mention that beautiful Ult has saved me many times because of the healing it provides. It synergizes best with


Each autoattack deals bonus dmg(hell yea boiii). The


The infamous chakram.
On its own, it's not that great. But when combined with weapons that can stack those chakrams(basically everything except



It is not that bad I just have a weird love-hate relationship with it which is funny because the lethality build makes this weapon shine. It is probably one of the trickier weapons to use especially getting used to utilizing the marks. The best usage of this weapon is definitely with


You big slow chonky boi. Farming early with this weapon makes me want to toaster myself. The root is nice but IMO it should last longer. This weapon basically turns you into Ashe which is a champion I despise. The best use of this weapon is with


Start of the game
End of laning phase
Aim to have at least one item and ideally boots.
Advanced Tips
- Animation cancel
When you press W to change your weapon you can autoattack to instantly change the weapon and cancel the animation. It does take some time to perfect but it becomes natural.
You can activate the Q while it is traveling to your target to instantly root them.
- Stacking
Especially with the lethality build, you can finish off a half hp squishy with a
Ult. The marks will stack so you can activate it for double the damage. If you run
it is almost always a guaranteed kill.
- General tip
When your weapon reaches ammo<10 you can still use the Q's so take advantage of that. Especially with
. I would deplete
to 11 and
to 1 so that way I can use
Q twice to root once and then heal off of
which hopefully is your next weapon in the queue.
Note- The
combo gives you insane healing off minions and even enemies.
When you press W to change your weapon you can autoattack to instantly change the weapon and cancel the animation. It does take some time to perfect but it becomes natural.

You can activate the Q while it is traveling to your target to instantly root them.
- Stacking

Especially with the lethality build, you can finish off a half hp squishy with a

- General tip
When your weapon reaches ammo<10 you can still use the Q's so take advantage of that. Especially with

Note- The

Things to keep in mind
The better at cs-ing you are the better you are at Aphelios. While it may sound obvious it is important to always remember that Aphelios is weak up until his 2th or 3th item so the more gold you have the quicker you can reach to these ridiculous levels you see pros reach. To some degree, you are better off only cs-ing and not fighting as much, especially in harder matchups.
- Supports
The lower elo you are the worse the supports are gonna be. I know another obvious one. But with Aphelios being as weak as he is early you rely on your support much more than other adcs. I would suggest even playing other champs or finding a good pre-made until you reach like Gold, because playing against the enemy bot lane AND your support is the last thing you want.(I still do it tho cuz I like to suffer)
- Climbing with Aphelios
If your sole purpose is climbing... as much as it pains me to say it, you are better off playing other adcs. Right now Aphelios is in a weird state. Climbing with him is significantly harder than with other adcs like Jhin or Draven. If you want to have fun tho(and feed your superiority complex) this is probably the right champ for you.
The real tragedy is that the lower elo you are the harder it will be for you to win with Aphelios. Especially with inadequate Supports who have no idea what your champion does and call you useless.
The better at cs-ing you are the better you are at Aphelios. While it may sound obvious it is important to always remember that Aphelios is weak up until his 2th or 3th item so the more gold you have the quicker you can reach to these ridiculous levels you see pros reach. To some degree, you are better off only cs-ing and not fighting as much, especially in harder matchups.
- Supports
The lower elo you are the worse the supports are gonna be. I know another obvious one. But with Aphelios being as weak as he is early you rely on your support much more than other adcs. I would suggest even playing other champs or finding a good pre-made until you reach like Gold, because playing against the enemy bot lane AND your support is the last thing you want.(I still do it tho cuz I like to suffer)
- Climbing with Aphelios
If your sole purpose is climbing... as much as it pains me to say it, you are better off playing other adcs. Right now Aphelios is in a weird state. Climbing with him is significantly harder than with other adcs like Jhin or Draven. If you want to have fun tho(and feed your superiority complex) this is probably the right champ for you.
The real tragedy is that the lower elo you are the harder it will be for you to win with Aphelios. Especially with inadequate Supports who have no idea what your champion does and call you useless.
Thanks for reading my guide. I am sorry if you tried out the Lethality build and it didn't work out for you. I might come back and update the guide if it gets rated tho seeing that I am a filthy gold player with a guide that looks like a Reddit post I doubt it.
I don't really play League consistently anymore but I still decided to write this guide in hopes it might help at least someone.
If you are a true beginner I'd suggest finding koog's guide which should be a little lower on the list as he hasn't updated it in a while.
It helped me get to where I am so it might do the same for you.
I don't really play League consistently anymore but I still decided to write this guide in hopes it might help at least someone.
If you are a true beginner I'd suggest finding koog's guide which should be a little lower on the list as he hasn't updated it in a while.
It helped me get to where I am so it might do the same for you.
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