as darius viable?
Asked by mastrer1000 on January 30, 2013
i had the idea to build an attack speed darius to make his passive stack really fast. (my idea for a build was something like 2 phantom dancer, booots, wits end, malaydy, frozen mallet. is there anybody who tried or is willing to try this(i dont own darius myself, so i cant)?
If you go AS, your passive stacks quicker but deals less damage.
I think the answer is pretty clear :P
HOWEVER, if you build Zephyr as an item after trinity, hydra, and other core items (It should be your 5th or 6th item) or replace your boots with it, it gives a ton of good stats and allows you to get stacks faster.
Zephyr should only be built if you are absolutely stomping. Someones gonna correct me on this, but as far as I am aware Zephyr is not core atm on anyone (Except maybe tank Vi.). However, if you are already stomping lane, zephyr will allow you to have 5 stacks and get a max dunk off in less than 3 seconds if done as fast as possible.
Best of luck on the fields of justice!
IGN: DunkmasterDarius