No item is cost efficient on any champion if it can't use its passive at all. Athene's is already borderline useless on mages*, the only exceptions being those who can use its passive in some way (I think Orianna might use it).
*mages does not include enchanters (i.e. AP supports)
well if you look at aquadragons guy on ap kog maw he recommends buying a chalice of harmony very early but not building it into anything until later. then again the guys a freaking genius. his builds seem wonky but he mathematically tests each and every item. its impressive
No item is cost efficient on any champion if it can't use its passive at all. Athene's is already borderline useless on mages*, the only exceptions being those who can use its passive in some way (I think
*mages does not include enchanters (i.e. AP supports)
That's like asking if the Space Man Would Stop Using Space Aids. No.