I am a jungle main( masters). If you are talking about midlane Aurelion then the post above works wonders. As a jungler though you want to rush Stalkers blade and complete your runic enchantment.
Then you can go for ROA. Complete it as soon as possible after which your build path depends on the game. For kiting get Rylai's. For damage get Void Staff if enemy has MR. If enemy is ap heavy rush abyssal and if enemy is ap heavy.
For items :
Boots of Swiftness > Rod of Ages > Rylai's Crystal Scepter > Zhonya's Hourglass/ Abyssal Mask > Rabadon's Deathcap/ Void Staff/ Liandry's Torment
I don't play Aurelion Sol but this is a common build on him
Then you can go for ROA. Complete it as soon as possible after which your build path depends on the game. For kiting get Rylai's. For damage get Void Staff if enemy has MR. If enemy is ap heavy rush abyssal and if enemy is ap heavy.
Feel free to PM me for any questions!