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Recommended Items
Runes: Sorcery
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor
Ability Order
Cosmic Creator (PASSIVE)
Aurelion Sol Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
Avoid to stay close to him when his Passive is up. Try to bait him to blow up his barrels. You can attack him afterwards if he misplayed it.
Champion Build Guide
Hello everyone and welcome to one of my guides! This guide contains useful information and general knowledge based on my own game experience + open source info from Internet about the champ 💡📚📈🔍
My name is Max Dixon and i'm League of Legends content creator. I started to play LoL in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is 💎Diamond 1 (soloQ) and 💎Diamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server. I've got three times to Diamond in different season and now I'm more focused on creating guides and videos with reviews of the strongest players in the world, growing my channel by sharing my experience and training new champions for the marathone to Master+ in the future.
I also want to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make League of Legends content:
I would be very happy to build my first audience with 1000+ subscribers and start streaming😊
I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!
Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!
Have a nice reading! 📖🤓
My name is Max Dixon and i'm League of Legends content creator. I started to play LoL in 2016. My highest ELO at the moment is 💎Diamond 1 (soloQ) and 💎Diamond 4 (flexQ) on EU-West server. I've got three times to Diamond in different season and now I'm more focused on creating guides and videos with reviews of the strongest players in the world, growing my channel by sharing my experience and training new champions for the marathone to Master+ in the future.
I also want to invite you to subscribe to my YouTube channel where I'm going to make League of Legends content:
I would be very happy to build my first audience with 1000+ subscribers and start streaming😊
I hope this guide will help you to improve your champion's understanding so it would be more fun to play!
Let me know in the comments section if you find any mistakes or outdated information so I could fix it! Thanks in advance!
Have a nice reading! 📖🤓

- Great mobility and roaming potential due to his
Astral Flight
- Super infinite scaling
- Good AOE damage and CC
- One of the best late game team fighters in the game
- Isn't hard to master anymore after his rework
- Weak early game. He needs time to scale
- Mana hungry
- Needs strong frontline to be able to calmly fry enemies during some period of time
- Great mobility and roaming potential due to his

- Super infinite scaling
- Good AOE damage and CC
- One of the best late game team fighters in the game
- Isn't hard to master anymore after his rework
- Weak early game. He needs time to scale
- Mana hungry
- Needs strong frontline to be able to calmly fry enemies during some period of time

Aurelion Sol's damaging Abilities break down enemies into stacks of Stardust, which permanently improves each of his abilities.

This ability is what makes

Channel toward the cursor for a few seconds, damaging the first enemy hit and splashing reduced damage on nearby enemies. Each time an enemy takes 1 cumulative second of channeling,

At rank 5, Breath of Light's channel duration is increased to 160 seconds.

The ability is the major source of Aurelion Sol's damage. It does the most damage to the first target, so prioritize hitting enemy champions first of all to generate more damage and get stacks of Stardust.
To get better results, you should combine this ability with

Astral Flight's remaining cooldown is reduced whenever an enemy champion

Stardust increases Astral Flight's max range.
Flight speed is 335 + 100% movement speed
The ability can be used as an engage or an escape tools depending on the situation. Its cooldown refreshes with kills and assissts, so try to use when you see you can kill someone, so you would be able to use the ability once again to return to a safer place. The fact

Summon a black hole for a few seconds, damaging enemies and slowly pulling them toward the center.

The center of the black hole executes enemies below a percentage of their maximum health, granting Stardust based on the type of enemy executed.
Stardust increases Singularity's size (including the center zone) and execute threshold.
Champions and epic monsters grant 5 Stardust.
Large minions and monsters grant 3 Stardust.
Small minions and monsters grant 1 Stardust.
This is Aurelion Sol's main CC ability in the early game. You should try to damage enemy champs and kill everyone and everything by using it to generate more amount of Stardust and enhance the power of your abilities.

Falling Star: Crash a star into the earth, dealing magic damage and stunning enemies hit.

Stardust increases Falling Star’s size. Gathering 75 Stardust transforms Aurelion Sol's next

The Skies Descend: Drag a giant star down from the heavens, significantly increasing the size of the impact zone, increasing damage dealt, and knocking enemies up rather than stunning them. A massive shockwave spreads from the edge of the impact zone, damaging and slowing champions hit.
Stardust increases the size of the impact zone.
The ability is insanely strong damaging and CC tool for team fights, especially in tight places like jungle it's easy to land

MORE OF MY VIDEOS ARE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@TheGamedictedCapy-ve7jg/videos
MORE OF MY VIDEOS ARE HERE: https://www.youtube.com/@TheGamedictedCapy-ve7jg/videos


This rune gives a good additional poke damage and it also scales well with both AD and AP items. Its cooldown time decreases based on level, so you would be able to deal extra damage more often.

The rune allows your champion to not run out of mana very fast. You have to remember that this rune needs to be stacked 10 times firstly to give you +250 mana and mana regeneration. And there is a small cooldown between the moment when the rune can be stacked once, so in most cases it's better to not spam abilities when the rune is on the cooldown or you will run out of mana quite fast. The rune is helpful for those players who love to spam their abilities and feel strong lack of mana.

The rune gives some amount of ability haste which is overall better for this champion than alternatives

This rune gives some amount of additional AD or AP so you would have higher damage, but only when your champion is above 70% HP. Take the rune if you know you will be able to keep your health high enough to get this bonus.

This is an alternative to

The rune allows to farm more gold and apply more damage to an enemy champion, but you should take the rune in those match ups only if you are sure that your champion is able to strike first.

This rune will spare you 300 gold and gives +10 movement speed later on when you buy Tier-2 boots.

This rune will spare you 250 gold if you plan to buy

Upon game start, you are granted three uses of the item Minion Dematerializer. It is to be used on minions, and as the name implies, it will instantly kill them. Using the Dematerializer on a minion will gain extra damage against that minion type for the entire game. If you use all the stacks on a single minion type, you will get diminishing increased damage for a total of 12%. This will grant you a good damage buff against them and help shove the lane earlier in the game. It can be a significant addition that will see you clearing waves fast and easy, much earlier than would otherwise be possible.

The rune helps you to live through the early game and permanently increases a little bit your mana pool which is also helpful since you will not be in need so fast to do

Cosmic Insight is one of the most popular runes to take when taking the Inspiration Tree. Cosmic Insight grants the user 18 Summoner Spell haste and 10 Item Haste. If the Champion relies on items a lot, it may also be a good idea to take this mastery because it will lower the Cooldown of those items.

Flash is the most frequent choice of all players in League of Legends. Such popularity of the spell is caused by the fact that

Teleport is mainly used to minimize laning downtime after

Exhaust is an extremely powerful tool for disabling champions who mainly autoattack, as well as any champion that can deal a high amount of damage. When your team is chasing an enemy and he is getting away, using

This is the most difficult stage of the game for
Aurelion Sol. You need to farm minions and stack Stardust as much as you can without feeding your lane opponent. When you have 400+ gold it's good to push the minion wave to the enemy tower and do
Recall to buy
Tear of the Goddess.
After your second back you should have enough gold to buy another mana item like
Lost Chapter or
Catalyst of Aeons. This is the time when you can start fast clear minion waves and roam to side lanes, helping your teammates.
In the mid game you can continue to push waves, farm everything you can including jungle camps. Don't forget to kill them by using
Singularity to get more Stardust. The more stacks and items
Aurelion Sol has, the stronger he is.
You can swap lanes with your ADC and SUPP. They come to mid and you go to bot or top to push waves there and then return to your teammates to fight for something valuable like a dragon or Baron Nashor. Remember that
Aurelion Sol is much better in team fights than 1v1 duels.
Late gameplay is similar, but you should be more careful since champion's respawn time is very long and enemy team can do many bad things including finishing the game. This is why you should not walk through unwarded areas when you don't know the location of the enemy team or at least their most dangerous champions. It's also a good idea to not stay far away from your teammates to prevent the situation when they joing 4v5 fight and die in 3-4 seconds before you are able to come.
In team fights you should stay behind your allies and fry enemies by using
Singularity +
Breath of Light. If someone appears behind you or from a flank then you can use
Astral Flight to reposition
Aurelion Sol to a better place.
Astral Flight can also be used to catch escaping enemies if you see that your team has won the fight, but some enemies are trying to run for their lives with low HP.
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And don't forget to visit and check my YouTube channel! Maybe you will like it! 😉 https://www.youtube.com/@TheGamedictedCapy-ve7jg/videos
This is the most difficult stage of the game for

After your second back you should have enough gold to buy another mana item like

In the mid game you can continue to push waves, farm everything you can including jungle camps. Don't forget to kill them by using

You can swap lanes with your ADC and SUPP. They come to mid and you go to bot or top to push waves there and then return to your teammates to fight for something valuable like a dragon or Baron Nashor. Remember that

Late gameplay is similar, but you should be more careful since champion's respawn time is very long and enemy team can do many bad things including finishing the game. This is why you should not walk through unwarded areas when you don't know the location of the enemy team or at least their most dangerous champions. It's also a good idea to not stay far away from your teammates to prevent the situation when they joing 4v5 fight and die in 3-4 seconds before you are able to come.
In team fights you should stay behind your allies and fry enemies by using

Wow, have you really read the guide till this moment? I hope it was useful and interesting for you. Let me know it please by voting!

And don't forget to visit and check my YouTube channel! Maybe you will like it! 😉 https://www.youtube.com/@TheGamedictedCapy-ve7jg/videos
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