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Aurelion Sol Build Guide by Carpincho sex0

Middle Aurelion sol guide REWORK

Middle Aurelion sol guide REWORK

Updated on December 6, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Carpincho sex0 Build Guide By Carpincho sex0 4,823 Views 0 Comments
4,823 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Carpincho sex0 Aurelion Sol Build Guide By Carpincho sex0 Updated on December 6, 2023
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Runes: My Favorite Runes

1 2 3 4 5 6 7
First Strike
Magical Footwear
Minion Dematerializer
Cosmic Insight

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+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10% Tenacity/Slow Resist


1 2 3 4
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


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Champion Build Guide

Aurelion sol guide REWORK

By Carpincho sex0
Aurelion is a late game champion, you have to keep in mind that you're not going to win many lines and you're very much hurt by erly stuff or just that they don't have such a bad Erly but the champion once takes 2 items and boots will be a threat from that moment on, you still have to focus on scaling with his passive to the late where you will surely be the biggest threat of your team and you will have many ways to keep distanceErly but the champion once takes 2 items and boots will be a threat from that moment on, you still have to focus on scaling with his passive to the late where you will surely be the biggest threat of your team and you will have many ways to keep distance
In the erly, it is advisable to use the Q to farm, because this ability will quickly drain us of mana, in addition to the fact that we will have to avoid fights, mostly since we do not have stats or cooldowns to Fight properly, we will look to rotate to help the team whenever we can, but we can't neglect farming
Mid game
In the mid we are going to be more problematic for the opposing team, it is a good idea to look for ganks because we will have a better clearance of lines, I recommend leaving the boosted ultimate for large TFs where it will be important to have it and continue to focus on farming and taking objectives because the passive also generates stack when impacting skills
Late game
Here we will already be a big problem because of the presence that the w will give us on the map when it is stacked, our size of the e will be very important to weaken in TF and complicate the enemies with mobility, the q will be in charge of doing damage to any enemy and our r will end the TF mostly, We will try to endear or extend more because at this point we are unstoppable and the longer the game lasts, the stronger it seeems.Here we will already be a big problem because of the presence that the w will give us on the map when it is stacked, our size of the e will be very important to weaken in TF and complicate the enemies with mobility, the q will be in charge of doing damage to any enemy and our r will end the TF mostly, We will try to straighten or extend more because at this point we are unstoppable and the longer the game lasts, the stronger we will be
-Keep in mind that your q will always make good year to objectives and you can do them at the slightest mistake of the opponent, because if the jg tanks you can do them quickly (in my case I make objectives by mysKeep in mind that your q will always make good year to objectives and you can do them at the slightest mistake of the opponent, because if the jg tanks you can do them quickly (in my case I do objectives only with q and a A teemo jg), it is ideal to do drakes while behind the wall if you are on the blue side as you will be very protected and away from danger while helping the team
-Don't underestimate the champion's damage in Erly, a good E and R can bring down many fighters, it's ideal to rotate Bot as soon as we have the LV 6 if we can generate a kill
-Reserve your upgraded r for TFs that are targets or eliminate the strongest enemy
-Play with the walls, your q has a great length
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Carpincho sex0
Carpincho sex0 Aurelion Sol Guide
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Aurelion sol guide REWORK

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