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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Azir mid after nerfs atm

Posted in Champions | Tags: Azir 3,399

  • TheRuller

    Azir mid after nerfs atm

    I know this question is a little late but what is the current state for azir?He has great utility and cc and some dmg.Were those nerfs in 5.5(as i recall) to much for him dat he is not good anymore?
  • Answers (2)

    emoriam (287) | May 14, 2015 11:35am
    He's still a great pick and a strong zone mage. He has recently been picked up in the competetive scene quite a lot if that matters to you.
    He hasn't been touched by Riot in the last four patches but there've been changes to some of the common mid lane matchups. In patch 5.5 he actually received a slight buff as they increased all kinds of ranges on his abilities.
    MrMad2000 (41) | May 15, 2015 10:15am
    Azir is still a very strong champion, but I think there are better picks since no matter how much farm you get, you'll never be as strong as you want to be compared to your opponents unless you snowball which is very difficult to do on him... I think a hyper carry and just a standard burst mage is better than two late game carries. He's very strong and super fun to play but it's only under certain circumstances.
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