Bard Build Guides, Runes, Items, and Abilities - Patch 14.12
Bard The Wandering Caretaker
Find the best Bard build guides for League of Legends S14 Patch 14.12. The MOBAFire community works hard to keep their LoL builds and guides updated, and will help you craft the best Bard build for the S14 meta. Learn more about Bard's abilities, skins, or even ask your own questions to the community!
[11.15] Omnibard: The Meta Breaker
Bardly trying
Carry ur **** adc bard
[11.12] Angry's *MOST DMG* Offensive Bard [TOP/MID/ADC/SUP]
Baaardooo, but with bad scaling
Bard guide but its my first guide
[11.7] Hail of Bards
Za Bardo / TheSkySaphir's Bard Guide
A Good bArDC [Quick & Dirty Bard ADC]
Bardo mid guide
[11.6] AH + AS Omnistone Bard Build Guide
McZeddy's Challenger AP Bard Support (WIP)
Lykzar's Unranked Bard Build :)
10.23 Preseason Guardian Bard
Preseason 11 Bard Guide (WHAT DO I BUILD)
TilÃn TilÃn TilÃn TiLAG Bardo mamadÃsimo para sorprender
Bard the bard
Bard Build & Runes
If you're looking for the best rune build for Bard we've got you covered. Below you can find the best items and runes to build for Bard, as determined by calculations of thousands of Plat+ League of Legends games. If you are already familiar with how to play Bard this is a great resource to quickly get a good rune selection for Patch 14.12. However, if you are a new Bard player we highly recommend reading through some of the guides above to learn why this build is strong on Bard!
Bard's Runes
Second Best
Win Rate 35% Pickrate
Third Best
Win Rate 8% Pickrate
Bard's Summoner Spells
Bard's Starters
Bard's Core Items
Bard's Luxury Items
Bard's Ability Order
Traveler's Call (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Second Best
Win Rate 4% Pickrate
Traveler's Call (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Third Best
Win Rate 3% Pickrate
Traveler's Call (PASSIVE)
Passive Ability
Bard Counters
Learn Bard's counters and discover matchups where they have an advantage! When you're starting a game of League of Legends you should always keep in mind if you'll be at an advantage or disadvantage against your opponent, so you can know whether to bully them or play safe. You can find detailed breakdowns of each matchup on CounterStats, and you can also check out some Bard guides to see how to build and play against other champions you may find yourself up against!
This counter data is for Bard SUPPORT in Plat+ games. The percent shown is the enemy champion's counter rating against Bard. Counter rating is our own statistic that factors in counter kills, overall kills, early lead ratio, comeback ratio, and win percent to give the whole picture of that champion's effectiveness as a counter pick.
Best Against Bard
Worst Against Bard
Bard Skins
Find Bard's skins and when they were last on sale. Never miss a sale for your favorite skin by using our Wish List feature! You can also find all Bard skins and chromas on Bard's skins page.
Bard's Abilities
Bard attracts a Meep every 8 seconds (max: 1). Bard's attacks consume a Meep to deal an additional dealing 35 (+40% of ability power) plus 10 per 5 chimes as magic damage, plus additional effects based on chimes collected.
At 5 chimes, Meeps also slow by 25-75% (depending on the number of chimes) for 1 second.
At 15 chimes, Meeps also hit in an area around and behind the enemy.
At 35 chimes, the area is larger.
Bard can have up to 3 shrines at once. If an enemy champion enters a shrine, it is destroyed. This ability has 2 charges.
Questions About Bard
Latest Questions
Do ability haste affect meeps at all?
Will my meeps appear faster if I build, for example, cosmic driver?
Best practices in 2020 matches?
gl hf before game? gg wp after game? Any localized idioms would be more than welcome f.ex. calling someone dog in Polish seems to be offensive.
Bard's Q into Kayn's E
Basically, when Bard's Q hit someone and have a second collision he stuns the one or two people who got hit, so, my question is. When Kayn is in a wall thanks to his E, does the Bard's Q stun him if he is hit in the wall ? And if Kayn is stun,...
Bard meeps
Hi a question about bard's meeps. when bard has 2 meeps does that mean he loses the first meep after one auto attack and the next after another auto attack? so his third auto attack wont slow or do extra magic damage? Thank you
Support Main, looking to improve.
So I am a support main. I don't know what to do when my ad is lacking skill. I hit most of my skill shots, but if my adc goes negative on the scoreboard I am the one that gets blamed. Give me all the tips you have
how to carry as support
i recently started playing support and im having a lot of trouble winning with support. can someone help? i play all the champions that i tagged.
bard as jungle
Hey so im looking to try to play some different champs in the jungle. im just curious is bard would be viable in jungle? Personally i cant see why he wouldnt but im still kinda new to the game and would prefere to get some advice on the topic.
Bard Masteries
I've been wondering, since I received Bard for my mystery champ the other day what would be better for him Masteries wise. I know that it depends on my playstyle and since I like playing more aggressive as a support does a 0/9/21 setup make him...
Why is Bard so expensive?
Hello; I have 6300 IP, however I can't buy Bard because he's 7800 IP. All the champions before him have been 6300 IP. Is this intentional? Why is Bard so expensive?
Optimal Build for Bard?
Hi all! With the release of Bard (and the potentially very [i]interesting[/i] guides that will be coming out soon), I thought it'd be beneficial to hear a few opinions on how to build Bard. > What...
Bard looks so broken...
I haven't actually had the opportunity to play bard yet but from what I've seen he looks pretty much like the most broken champion to ever be released and that's saying something (looking at you lucian, yasuo and xin). But seriously his ult will...