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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Bard Masteries

Posted in Masteries | Tags: Bard 5,135

  • Scythe-Er

    Bard Masteries

    I've been wondering, since I received Bard for my mystery champ the other day what would be better for him Masteries wise. I know that it depends on my playstyle and since I like playing more aggressive as a support does a 0/9/21 setup make him too squishy in the early game? As a more aggressive support would a 0/21/9 setup benefit me more?
  • Answers (2)

    HiFromBuddha (82) | July 5, 2015 1:14am
    He's naturally a very squishy, poke heavy support. I'd recommend going 0/9/21 in a standard match-up. In the case that there's a heavy kill lane match-up, like a Leona or something, then I'd perhaps say 0/21/9. But even then, I feel like you should play around it and still go 0/9/21.
    Vynertje (386) | July 5, 2015 3:04am
    0/9/21 all the way indeed. Utility goodies are too good to pass out on for a ranged/poke support like Bard.
    Soup Of Fate | July 25, 2015 2:14pm
    I played Bard a lot, and i recommend going 16/14/0 masteries (set up as nine in attack and nine in magic then your pref of defense) because his poke is everything but early game he is extremely squishy. This along with magic pen quints, attack dmg marks and your preference of seals and glyphs, but i go flat armor seals and mr per level glyphs. I have 100k champ points with bard and am currently in gold v. I hope this helps.
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