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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Bard meeps

Posted in Champions | Tags: Bard 4,232

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    Bard meeps


    a question about bard's meeps.
    when bard has 2 meeps does that mean he loses the first meep after one auto attack and the next after another auto attack? so his third auto attack wont slow or do extra magic damage?

    Thank you
  • Answers (2)

    orrvaa (41) | August 21, 2017 1:54am
    MEEPS: Bard's presence attracts small spirits known as Meeps to his side. Each of his basic attacks consumes a Meep, dealing 30 (+ 15 per 5 chimes collected) (+ 30% AP) bonus magic damage. At 5 chimes, Meeps Slow damaged enemies by 25 - 75 (based on Chimes)% for 1 second, and at 15 chimes deal splash damage to enemies within 150 units of his target as well as those in a cone behind them, with the cone's size increasing at 35 chimes. Meeps spawn every 8 / 7 / 6 / 5 / 4 seconds and Bard can keep up to 1 - 9 (based on Chimes) of them at a time.

    From his passive, you should see that every basic attack consume only one Meep.

    But every Meep should slow after you have 5 chimes, and will deal splash damage after 15 chinmes.
    Jovy (953) | August 27, 2017 10:45am
    a question about bard's meeps.
    when bard has 2 meeps does that mean he loses the first meep after one auto attack and the next after another auto attack? so his third auto attack wont slow or do extra magic damage?

    Exactly so. There's a CD before a new meep spawns. The CD decreases as you collect more chimes.
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