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Braum Build Guide by AstroAlf13

Support Basic Braum Guide (14.7)

Support Basic Braum Guide (14.7)

Updated on April 13, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author AstroAlf13 Build Guide By AstroAlf13 8,832 Views 0 Comments
8,832 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author AstroAlf13 Braum Build Guide By AstroAlf13 Updated on April 13, 2024
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Runes: Pretty Much Every Game

1 2
Font of Life
Bone Plating

Biscuit Delivery
Approach Velocity

+10% Attack Speed
+10-180 Bonus Health
+65 Base Health


1 2
Most Games
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Basic Braum Guide (14.7)

By AstroAlf13

Every game you will want to take the Guardian rune page shown above. Braum really doesn't have any other options for a keystone unfortunately.

Between the two of these it is matchup dependent.
Most cases you would take Bone Plating, however in poke matchups ( Xerath, Vel'Koz, Lux, Brand etc) you should take Second Wind.

Finally for runes i believe this is also a choice worth making, personally I like to take Approach Velocity as it allows to me catch enemies ive hit with my Winter's Bite and apply my Concussive Blows to them with autos. Cosmic Insight is good when you wont be running down enemies, for example if youre in a long ranged matchup or vs champs with high mobility ( Rakan, Pyke etc) as in this case its just better to have the ability haste.

Starting Items

New support Items are a little unbalanced, and i've seen a lot of people suggesting Celestial Opposition for Braum, but honestly i think this isn't the best for him. Its not terrible, I just think you should be taking Solstice Sleigh everytime. IMO its a much better option. I would definitely reccomend the new Solstice Sleigh. The new Bloodsong though is also looking like the best support item, acting almost like the old Evenshroud where hitting a champ with an auto attack will increase their damage taken (i believe up to 10%). This could be an intresting item to try out as Braum can get in a fair few autos during a fight if you take Approach Velocity.


Ideally you want to get your boots first, this helps you move around the map a lot faster. Plated Steelcaps will be the most optimal vs AD enemies and Mercury's Treads vs high CC or high magic damnage comps.
I put swiftness boots there as movement is such an important stat, and if you want yo be effective as Braum, then you need to get around the map. You may also take them when the enemy team have lots of slows and good mix of AD/AP damage.

Core Build


It really isn't great as a support item with this new patch. However, it fits Braum 'warden' playstyle and i believe this is his best first item for protecting your carry. This item has lost both its passive and 10 ability haste, making it a fair bit worse. I would only recommend this item on wardens such as Taric and Tahm Kench.

Knights Vow:

Provides brilliant stats, has an easy to use active and is again perfect for Braum, this is almost always a second item. Ive seen a lot of people run this first item, but i think this item is only relevent when you have a fed carry that needs the damage reduction and will deal enough damage to heal you back.


I would consider this a third item buy in most games. However, if the enemy team has lots of healing then you could consider this item second. If they lack much healing then I would consider this 4th or 5th. This item is quite expensive for what its worth, Morellonomicon is much cheaper and is a buff for mage and enchanter supports. Thornmail is the only suitable anti-heal item for Braum however.


This item is great in the new patch, provides good stats at the price of the item (mana is a bit useless) and i would buy this either 3rd or 4th depending on whether you need the aint-heal or not from Thornmail. The new slow is great for teamfights however you do have to consider that it is a small radius, and Braum isnt always going to be in the enemies faces.

Abyssal Mask:

If the enemy team has lots of magic damage then this is the ideal pick up for that situation. For the price is provides great stats. The passive can also be beneficial if you have magic damage dealers on your team.

Extras (Situational)

Frozen Heart:

This item is much better in the new patch, great armour and provides great stats (not mana) and a great passive. Great if the enemy has lots of auto-attackers. This item can really round out his build but it is defo not an ealry game item, i believe health is such a valuable stat early game and this item doesn't provide any health. Haste and armour is great though!

Force Of Nature:

I would only recommend this if the enemy team has a LOT of magic damage. Its a bit expensive so most cases i would go for Abyssal Mask. If you do take this though then you gain an extra 70 magic resist which is great for big fights, plus lots of health and move speed which is all good for Braum.

Hollow Radiance:

Very decent new item, gives great stats and the passive is a nice touch for some form of wave clear if needed as Braum has no waveclear to speak of. Again though its expensive and Abyssal Mask is probably a better buy.

Randuin's Omen:

Provides great stats with health and armour, but again its a lot more expensive than frozen heart so only buy this if you need the extra health and tanky-ness. It is also great when the enemy team has lots of crit based champs, if they have 2 or more then this could be a worth while buy.
Summed Up!
Summed Up!

Braum is a fun, simple to pick up support and you can do so much with his kit. His passive is amazing, his peeling power is also fantastic and he can also be very oppressive in the right hands. I hope this guide helps you understand the champ with all the new changes that came in patch 14.1!

Currently!! Patch 14.7
Braum is doing great into this patch, im finding that hes helping carries survive these one shot assassins, he's great for the team and a lot of fun!
The only negative thing i'd say about him is that his build path is very one-dimensional, he doesnt have a lot of differnet opptions.

With a rising Crit meta Braum is going to be really strong protecting his carry and winning lane VS most matchups. He is at around a 52% Win Rate in almost every ELO and he is a great dark horse pick.

Realistically as a support you want to build gold efficient (2300g and under are ideal) as you will feel the effects of these full items much better than just sitting on the building blocks.

If you have any comments then i would love to hear them or anything you think i should add/change to this guide too! :)

Thank you for reading, this is my first guide on Braum and any support champion for that matter, so i appreciate everyone reading this, thank you :) <3

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League of Legends Build Guide Author AstroAlf13
AstroAlf13 Braum Guide
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Basic Braum Guide (14.7)

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