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League of Legends (LoL) Question: BBC Code Help:

Posted in General | Tags: Equinox Ornn Soraka 3,430

  • Navn

    BBC Code Help:

    So, Soraka's E - Equinox has the same name as Orn's upgraded item Evenshroud, which is also called Equinox. It keeps defaulting to Orn's upgrade, when I want to use Soraka's E - Equinox hyperlink for my guide.

    Also, the same applies for her passive - Salvation, as well as Orn's upgraded item (from previous seasons) of Redemption into Salvation.
  • Answers (2)

    mikerooney | September 16, 2023 12:41am
    Your blog provided us with valuable information. I am looking forward to read more blog posts from here keep it up!! Spider Punk Leather Vest
    Katasandra (101) | May 31, 2022 10:16pm
    You use [[equinox ability]] ( Equinox) and [[salvation ability]] ( Salvation) to ensure it hyperlinks the thing you want
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