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Bel'Veth Build Guide by Sand1

Jungle Bel'Veth decent guide (im bad, but i only play her)

Jungle Bel'Veth decent guide (im bad, but i only play her)

Updated on December 31, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sand1 Build Guide By Sand1 5,121 Views 0 Comments
5,121 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Sand1 Bel'Veth Build Guide By Sand1 Updated on December 31, 2023
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Runes: Snowball (Fav, goes hard on low elo)

1 2
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Treasure Hunter

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


LoL Summoner Spell: Smite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Bel'Veth decent guide (im bad, but i only play her)

By Sand1
Bel'Veth Pros n' Cons
Bel'Veth Strong Points
- High Mobility
- Decent Escape
- Incredible Escape with true form
- Can Multikill if got a peak (someone misspositioned / an easy kill) with true form and use r
- High damage to tanks and melee with passive aa and q.
- Decent Burst and ways to kill high mobility + ranged champs
- Can instant end games with nashor

Bel'Veth Weak Points
- Hard to play against some junglers if they are good. Your team will do nothing with prio while khazix is in your jungle killing you.
- Useless if behind
- Below avarage if you have not snowballed, as you wont have infinite true forms + hard to get
- Weak without true form
- Quite squishy and weaked to cc. -> no option against ambushes.
Optional Items
Bruiser Items

Black Cleaver: Against Armor (must (usually) if your team is full ad)
Death's Dance: Against AD
Wit's End: Against AP
Guardian Angel: Great over all: avoid giving shut down, against burst, armor is nice

Immortal Shieldbow: Against Burst + playing with cosmic insight
Maw of Malmortious: Against Burst / Heavy AP
Titanic Hydra: Good overall + Useful in teamfights
Ravenous Hydra: when low risk of dying

Tank Items

Sterak's Gage + Titanic Hydra: Very useful against burst + Useful in teamfights
Rest: If mr, then for AP, if armor for AD

Bulbasaur: Great overall
Squirtle: Movespeed is great for bel'veth, buy when low risk of dying
Charmander: Don't like, isn't as useful as the other 2

Why thease items?

As you can see most items are against burst and just resistance, as bel'veth getting multiple resets in team fights is very important. It also doesn't help that bel'veth is quite squishy.
Early Game
Counter invade as much as possible in low elo, as it is the easiest way to snowball and invalidate their jungler. With a little lead + true form you are able to kill almost every jungler. Abuse this as much as possible.

Counter invading is also great because most low elo jungler just farm botside and gank bot, leaving topside completely free for you.

About objectives: Don't do any objectives before lvl 6 unless your team helps you with drake after a double kill at lvl 5.

Prioritize herald as it's the best objective for snowballing, but drake are also important. Trading drake for herald is your best option, trading it the other way around might be a way to try to get a lead with the drake's true form.
Mid Game
Best moment for Bel'veth

Try to force plays. Get objectives after free kills (misspositioned enemies) Try to make their jungler useless by getting tier 1 and tier 2 and perma invading.

After nashor you can either get t2 + t3 + inhi by split pushing with huge waves, (or at least let your team get mid inhi by baiting them into you)

If you are not fed just try to scale and hope for the best. Play for your team and you can still try to get fed.
Late Game
First of all, and biggest misconception, Bel'veth does not get stronger as the game progresses. Reaching late game is not good. This is due to the fact that Bel'Veth is played as an assasin due to her squishiness and playstale. Speeding up the match also is not good, as you wont have time to snoball properly.

If you snowball you will destroy. If you don't snowball and just scale, while you have decent scaling, you are useless in team fights unless someone in your team is fed and can get a kill for you.

Team Fights

1. Get peaks and kills to get ult and reset.
2. If you get a kill while in E, wait for it to end, as it will heal more and gives you a 70% damage reduction. As soon as it ends go for the R.
3. Try to get on backline if fed, by flanking, as they are the most squishy champs.
4. If not fed, stick to your team and try to get R Corals.

Only exception

Bel'veth tank is great in late game as passive stacks gives her lots of dps while items give huge resistance, making her a beast in late game and team fights.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Sand1
Sand1 Bel'Veth Guide
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Bel'Veth decent guide (im bad, but i only play her)

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