League of Legends (LoL) Question: Best Champion for 1350 IP?
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Best Champion for 1350 IP?
So, I have been saving up my IP, but it is burning a hole in my pocket so, I wanted to know what's the best champion for 1350 IP. So far, I have Blitzcrank, Amumu, Soraka, Garen, and Annie. I have been trying to ADC with Ezrael and Kog'Maw but have been failing miserably so I most likely want a Jungler, top laner, or support. Thanks for the help!
Hope I helped!
Keep trying and you will learn to play with them both :) I was terrible with etc. kalista. I really wanted to learn how to play with her and kite so I watched few guides and I was playing few customs and normals, now I play her in rankeds without any problems and win games easily.
hope i helped
You might also try Tryndamere no mana and his ult is he becomes immortal. He is exceptionally strong late game too.