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League of Legends (LoL) Question: best full builds

Posted in Items | Tags: Diana 3,394

  • kid aint mine

    best full builds

    I am trying to get really good with diana and i use her jg top and mid. In the jungle i build her two different ways. I go regular ap runic build but sometime if we need a tank and ad I'll go devourer with on hit tank items. My question lies in those games where i get to 6 items and and can basically have any items i want.

    What are the best 6 items (including dev) for super late game fights with this style?
  • Answers (1)

    Oaxaqueno | May 2, 2016 8:57pm
    If it's devourers: Nashors, Abyssal, Rabadon's, Zhonyas, Rylais.

    That's a ton of AP and AS (run AS marks), Abyssal's effect, armor/MR, a little health, extra CC, and the Zhonyas. Sated devourers and you're blasting out passives while slowing everyone and being tough to kill.
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