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League of Legends (LoL) Item: Black Spear

Black Spear
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LoL Item: Black Spear

Active: After a 3.5-second cast time and a 3-second channel afterwards from the user and the target allied champion, both become bound allies. The target is unable to act for 6 seconds after the channel's duration. Afterwards, the target is dubbed Oathsworn, and both allies will tether within 1100 units. Will allow Kalista to use her Fate's Call.

Unavailable after 3 minutes elapse. Only available to Kalista and Sylas.

Active: After a 3.5-second cast time and a 3-second channel afterwards from the user and the target allied champion, both become bound allies. The target is unable to act for 6 seconds after the channel's duration. Afterwards, the target is dubbed Oathsworn, and both allies will tether within 1100 units. Will allow Kalista to use her Fate's Call.

Unavailable after 3 minutes elapse. Only available to Kalista and Sylas.

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R4GE (14) | December 19, 2014 2:50pm
Nope, you can't.
n3mon3mo | December 19, 2014 2:50pm
can i change the target later?

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