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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Epic LoL speed running

Here's my short blog post about my first two videos, if someone is interested to something new / different content made in the practice tool:

Starting out here so the quality itself isn't special, but you get the idea :]

Last Hitting Drill (shoving)

I am happy to announce that I am officially making content again.
I'm sure most of you are new readers and I invite you to read some of my older content. Some things are only relevant to the time and will not be true today, while others deal with bigger issues in gaming. I will be making more Youtube Videos focused on League Analysis. This is all in an effort to fill a niche that I feel is not being met well enough and is important to developing talent further in the scene.

Here is my Last Hitting Drill:

Live Stream on Twitch

Hi everyone,
I started live streaming on twitch, just some casual games (not to hard try but more for entertainment).
So if you want to look at a LOL game, feel free to come along.

I live stream at random hours, at random day depending on what I have to do that day. But usually I stream
almost every day in the evening (GMT).

My twitch is:

see you there :)

Noob Style

The strength of Heimerdinger lies in his ability to hold lanes safely using his H-28G Evolution Turrets and keep enemies at a distance with the threat of his Hextech Micro-Rockets and CH-1 Concussion Grenade.

Giving ANIME second chance

Hello everybody!

I must say - I never liked anime. All animes I saw looked stupid, childish, had a terrible "story" and there was a plenty of stuff that just got on my nerves every time they used it - and it was like every 2 minutes.

But few years ago I saw about 30 episodes of Full Metal Alchemist and I really liked it. And today - again few years later - I decided to give anime genre second chance. Maybe there is more "normal" anime movies/series, that are worth watching. And since I get a feeling lots of oyu guys like anime, I hope you can suggest me something worthy.

I think it will be for the best if I explain what I hate about anime, so you don't recommend me something like that.

I don't want anything childish like Pokemon or Dragon Ball Z. I saw few episodes and was dissapointed. I don't mind fantasy, sci-fi or whatever, but it has to be for adults. I don't mind gore, horror, or dark atmosphere. I wouldn't mind even an action packed story, or artistic one. But th…

Last Hitting Drill with CloudCarry #3! Patch 3.12

Here is my latest technique for practicing last hits Last Hitting Drill #3!

If you are interested in seeing my other last hitting drills (the other 2 are basically the same) you can find them on youtube or twitch.

Here's my ezreal montage from earlier in s3 while we're at it:

If you want to support me, I greatly appreciate twitch followers and viewers as it makes my time spent there more enjoyable. Thanks for watching.

(Highlights & Past Broadcasts)

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide