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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Coming soon... :D

Last time I teased a guide, I never even finished it - This time things will be different right? Right?

Have you ever wanted to erase the enemy bot lane duo from the timeline?
Have you ever wanted to build lethality on a support other than just Pyke/ Senna?
Have you ever wanted to become the president of Visiontown?
Have you ever wanted to erase the enemy bot lane duo from the time- Wait I already mentioned that, did I not? *sigh* Deja vu all over again...

Well, you can have all that and so much more soon in a compact-sized guide that fits into the pocket of any experienced time traveler!

Coming soon... <3

Cool trick I learned with item cheatsheats

Not sure if this a widespread knowledge that I just figured out while all of yall have been using it for years. But I found out that even though item cheat sheet descriptions can't be coded, they definitely support emojis and "hard space". This means that you can actually make item cheat sheets much prettier and neater by adding some colors and line spacing. However, it is a PAIN to set up and edit later on as hard space is a really volatile character. But that's just the price we pay for pretty guides I guess :D

Some ability icons doesn't show

Hello. When I was updating my guide, I added more matchups to add some sort of thingss. When I write the name of ability some of them shows wrong as item and some does'nt even show. When I added Soraka, It doesn't show Her Q and E ability instead it shows an upgraded Item from Ornn, not the ability for no reason. At Viego, his passive icon doesn't show instead it only shows words and his Q Blade of the Ruined King shows an Item, not the ability. That is the only problem I have. Anyone have the same problem as I do? If yes, then tell me how to fix this or should I wait for them to fix this problem.

My words are dark black for no reason

I created new Veigar guide last week. I checked everything that make sure that I have no mistakes about writing and it was OK. Then today when I was going to add something new and i checked again by clicking preview, for some reason, a lot of words are completely dark black and i can barely see it. I tried something to fixing it by removing and adding words again but they are still black for no reason. Is anyone have the same situation as I have? Does anyone know how to fix this or is this bug os something? Please let me know! It would be a pleasure!


Eat, munch, gobble 'em all up until you can fill that belly!
But your appetite can never be satisfied
You ended up wanting more and more
And you're ready to sacrifice anything to achieve it
Until there's nothing left from you to give

Ah, poor fellow,
Having no more thing to give?
Giving everything to get nothing in return but vain?
You must be so desperate
Besides, I'm also hungry
So let me save you from this cruel world. And let me save myself too, because you will be...

...severely delicious

Sizes & Headers

It's me! Back with another blog post on another facet of BBCode. During the process of editing my guide I stumbled on something by accident. And that is... double sizes. On MFN you can change the size of your text by adding [size=x]Text[/size] where x can be the numbers 1 to 7. 3 is the standard size of text (and it is fine, please don't change the size of your regular text). Buut perhaps you want to put text below images/make headers and whatnot. So you'll need one of the different sizes!

Overview: classic sizes

Ok ok, so what's up with the double size thing I mentioned? It turns out that if you put multiple size tags around text, you can get even more possible sizes! So let's say, you think size 1 isn't quite small enough, you can put [size=1][size=2][/size][/size] around the text to make it readable for ants.

Surely ants can read

You can use this to get sizes that a…

Downvoting Guides

Downvoting is a very interesting tool in your disposal of Mobafire member. It allows you to downvote guides that are way too troll.... wait that can't be right..... lemme try again. It allows you to put the work of someone else down... nah not that. It is a great way to show your disagreement with the other person.... Well - yes but is it right?

Downvoting is a term that means for everybody on Mobafire something different. What I'd like to do in this post is to basically prove that my look at downvoting is better then yours :D

For many people downvoting is a great way to punish bad guide concepts. But should you really downvote a guide just because you consider it bad? Imagine a standard short guide talking about tank Sona for example. You of course consider the concept of Sona building tank items trolly and you downvote because the guide is just bad and it doesn't teach new players how to play

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide