It's me! Back with another blog post on another facet of BBCode. During the process of editing my guide I stumbled on something by accident. And that is...
double sizes. On MFN you can change the size of your text by adding [size=x]Text[/size] where x can be the numbers 1 to 7. 3 is the standard size of text (and it is fine, please don't change the size of your regular text). Buut perhaps you want to put text below images/make headers and whatnot. So you'll need one of the different sizes!

Overview: classic sizes
Size 1 |
Size 2 |
Size 3 |
Size 4 |
Size 5 |
Size 6 |
Size 7 |
Ok ok, so what's up with the
double size thing I mentioned? It turns out that if you put
multiple size tags around text, you can get even more possible sizes! So let's say, you think size 1 isn't quite small enough, you can put [size=1][size=2][/size][/size] around the text to make it readable for ants.
Surely ants can read
You can use this to get sizes that a…