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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

How to have fun in league again (real)

Hello mobafire!

Its been a while since I posted on this account. My jg phase is over (lmao) and I play a lot of support now. Recently (last night) I tried a new champ for the first time. after watching the 3min guide, I was confident that I would enjoy the champ. and sure enough, she was a perfect fit, and I got an S+ the second game I played. The adrenaline and hype from all my plays and my friends is a feeling that makes you coming back to this dog**** *** game. Honestly this game changed my life. I made so many friendships, dragged innocent lives into the game, (17 and still counting) and just made so many memories through League. and to any devs reading this dumb blog, please don't let tencent kill league. there is a reason this is the most played game in the world. pick up new champs and play with friends.

Dont be toxic,

About Me

Hello, Summoners! I'm AbstrakT. I am fairly new to the game, having played for a little over three weeks now. I love playing League of Legends, the characters and the lore being what got me interested to try the game itself. I am an Ahri, Soraka and Kalista main, but I'm still trying out new champions everyday. Hit me up if you want to chat! My discord ID is "absstrakt.", or feel free to PM me here, on MobaFire. I can't wait to meet you all. 'Till next time.


Sorry guys no guide this month

I really wanted to publish another guide for this month's guide contest. But it just so happens that this and the upcoming month are packed with final high school exams, matura tests, and university entrance tests and it's just... too much for me rn >.< Sowwy guys my support Caitlyn guide (I guess it's officially revealed now xd) will have to wait and considering the massive upcoming changes to the item system, it may take quite a while until I analyze, learn, and write everything down - the guide will also probably be lower-scale as I want to dedicate my free time to LoL modding which I have fallen in love with recently :D. With that said the guide will be released eventually, I promise you that - the events of the past of me announcing but never releasing a guide shall not repeat again :D

Working on Warwick McQueen V2

Hello, this is my first blog post on Mobafire.

I have only published 2 guides on here, one of them being "Warwick McQueen" which became outdated a while ago. So I decided to update it finally. Add some more insight into it and record a new video to put up on YouTube and link in the Guide.

So far I've made the new Rune Page and Item Set and recorded the making of. BUT since I'm experiencing huge internet problems rn imma talk to my provider tomorrow and hopefully my issues will partially be resolved.
I'm only missing Gameplay for WWMQ V2 and I'm unsure if I should try to stream it or just regularly record it for better quality (my internet is really messed up since we changed providers).

Also a small personal update for those who care:
I had my Bday last saturday and turned 22. My original Warwick Guide is now 3 years old, its publishing day was at March 31st back in 2020 ^^
So yeah... Was time to update that at some point haha

Stay tuned and see ya soon! (hopefully)

UPDATE: The wr…

Time to Say Goodbye

Hey guys,

I know that I haven't been active on the forums or guides for a long time, so many of you may not know me, but I wanted to share this for those that have been around long enough to remember me.

I started out on MOBAFire as a guide writer, then a moderator, and then was lucky enough to get offered a job in 2012 as the MOBAFire Community Manager. Now, over 10 years later, I’ll be stepping down as Product Owner.

I started out moderating forums, cleaning up spam, and organizing inhouses. I was lucky enough for my bosses to believe in me and let me take on more and more responsibility. I read so many books to learn how to be a Project Manager, and got to do just that. MOBAFire may be a huge site, but the team that makes it is pretty small and scrappy. I loved that, and I loved being able to learn to do a lot of things and wear a lot of hats. Unfortunately though, it’s time for me to say goodbye to the MOBAFire team.

As some of you may know, I have always been passionate ab…

Skins Wishlist!

TOP = Priority! League user = Mo0nl1ght

[*] Mythmaker Irelia !!! + Zyra
[*] Pajama Guardian Soraka + Lulu
[*] Empyrean Lux
[*] Snow Moon Caitlyn
[*] Monster Tamer Veigar
[*] EDG Viego
[*] Corgi Corki
[*] Duality Dragon Volibear
[*] Papercraft Anivia
[*] Spirit Blossom Tristana + Evelynn + Cassiopeia
[*] Winterblessed Zilean
[*] Sprit Blossom Darius + Sett + Riven + Yone
[*] Monster Tamer Lulu
[*] Snow Moon Kayn
[*] Fright Night Annie
[*] Battle Boss Bel'Veth
[*] High Noon Leona
[*] Heimerstinger + Nunu and Beelump
[*] Withered Rose Zeri
[*] Cafe Cuties Bard + Annie
[*] Blackfrost Vel'Koz
[*] Elderwood Ornn + Azir
[*] Count Kassadin + Count Kledula
[*] Meowrick + Pretty Kitty Rengar + Renektoy
[*] Blood Moon Pyke
[*] Worldbreaker Nasus
[*] Black Scourge Singed

5 Years at Mobafire

5 years ago I officially created my account on here. What started as some quick fun by messing with the guide creator, may have gone a little bit out of hand. And here we are.

While my champion guide author days might be behind me unfortunately (Uni happened), many more opportunities have come up. For a while now I've been involved as a moderator and contest judge. I've really enjoyed my time here and hope to continue for as long as possible. And most recently I've gotten the honour of covering Worlds 2022 and our fantasy league in partnership with E-Go.

So I'm not going anywhere just yet, I still have a lot left to create on here. More esports content to begin with. Even if it might just be an unofficial thing for myself instead of front page articles. How and when, we'll see.

Thank you to all wonderful people I've met on here. Continue being awesome, the best is yet to come.


Just published my first review! Yeaayyyyy

AAAAAAAA this brings such a weird mixture of feelings. I am:
Happy - I finally feel like I deserve that purple nick <3
Anxious - What if the review is bad or not detailed enough or both?!?
Exhausted - Took me 3 days to write xd Also half of it got lost because I accidentally refreshed the page mid writing >.<
Happy again - I just wrote my first review. *Insert happy fangirl high pitched screaming here*


I'm a Rengar OTP, I play mainly jungle but I'm a solid toplaner (at least for emerald rankeds).
I like playing other champions as well like Graves, Riven, Aatrox, Qiyana, Nidalee, Kindred... but riot nerfed a lot of my pics and lost interest in them sadly, maybe I will do a guide on Graves who is my backup right now and probably will be my blindpick until Rengar jungle get some love or I just start playing toplane as main role, but as always I'll just play Rengar every game.

Imagine having your discord account hacked >.<

*Deep sigh...*

Now I probably spammed the whole Mobafire discord server with the same **** as every other server I am on (was - actually).
Another marvelous entry for my latest forum thread >>.<<
Also big apology to mods that had to clean that up
I seriously hope no one actually clicked on that stuff... :d

Note to future me: Don't use Discord as an authentication tool...

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide