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EUW Silver to Diamond amateur tournament

Hi folks, would like to share you an invite to a competition I personally help organize.

Valanth's League is an EUW-based amateur league that provides a competitive esports-like 5v5 League of Legends tournament experience for teams and players ranked from Silver/Gold up to Diamond 3.
We've been active for 6+ years and games are played every monday and thursday at 7PM UK time/8PM CEST.
Sign-ups for our next split are open until next Sunday, the 27th of May.

Our website is
Our discord is
You can find our rules at

Hope some of you join and compete!

Michal Jaxson - Creating New build

Ey yo
I am currently working on a new build and video. I should be able to finish it and upload it today.
It is called Michal Jaxson and you can probably guess the rest.
I will be releasing also guide for it today, at least the short version, I always am able to usually only create short version, that I also call WIP - work in progress version.

In case you are interested, stay tunned on my mobafire account or follow any of my socials, where I will upload this new build or will upload when I am finished with the mobafire guide:

I Bombed A Kid Today

i decided to get on and play a game alongside a friend that mains pantheon, The only character i play at this point is teemo, Why? Idk, Maybe because hes such a lovable stupid looking thing.

Regardless i fought my hardest and around the 40 minute mark i made the enemy jungler leave due to bombing him, I'd love for you all to see this so i'm going to link the video under this.

Thank you <3

Return to Twitch + New Guides

Hey guys! Currently in the process of making my full return to twitch after a long while.

To compliment this I've decided to start a new, in depth guide for ekko as well as wanting to refine and fully update my viego guide. Any and all support is appreciated, as well as upvotes and criticisms! Please interact and help a brother out <3

Thought about League

Started playing in 2014, got perma ban from ranked and realized it not for me, to many AFK'er, DC'er and Inters to climb solo. I play for fun now and still love the game. I still hate those 3 above but it doesn't affect me in norms as I'm still learning to be the best I can with or without a team. I really hate "META" and following the herd like a sheep. I like to step off the trail and into new territory, territory that plentiful with possibilities. Most of my build suggest off the wall unrecommend stuff. But I wouldn't suggest it unless it was OPAF or at least FunAF or FunnyAF.

What is the Most Tilting Thing in League of Legends

What makes you really tilted in League of Legends

1) My feeder laners who doesn't even asks to take my Jungle and Buffs.
I am okay in some situations i.e you are an ADC which is already strong and takes my Red buff, but if you are something like 1-10 and i am carrying this game, and you take my whole 3 jungle camps that i am going to clean, it makes me really tilted.

2) Someone steals my minions while i am able to take these minions.
Jungler comes, steals my kill, puts his smite on my cannon.

3) Toxicity just because they feed.
In example, I am playing jungle with a great KDA like +4, I take 2 drakes and a Rift. I have 3 level difference between enemy jungle and i outplayed him. I have 30-50 cs more than enemy jungler and I have more successful ganks than him. Botlaner dies once because of their stupid gameplay and they start to flame on me because they died?? This really happens sometimes to me and I just ignore or mute them. They can't face the truth they are just not good as enem

Can I get a hallelujah?

Background: Riot recently released an upcoming balance change nerfing AP Miss Fortune to the absolute ground, by totally removing AP scaling from her ultimate and heavy nerfing cooldown on her most important ability ( Make it Rain) - which on its own wouldn't be that bad, if AP MF average winrate wouldn't be like 43% - it already takes an insane amount of effort to get positive winrate off of playing her, meaning that if this change were to go through, AP MF would basically die on the spot. And with AP MF, my precious guide as well :d

However, Riot just canceled the nerfs due to some weird shenanigans going on. AP MF is saved. My guide is saved. I feel sooooo relieved right now :D Can I get a hallelujah? <3

Patch 12.10 Changes... How We Feeling?

Well, we now know a whole lot about this next patch, and it's a HUGE one.

Champion toughness buffs so the Order of Shadow can weep while Bruisers and Tanks rejoice

Heal and Shield nerfs on almost every champion, rune, and item.

As an AP Rakan enjoyer, this affects me only a little, but i'd LOVE to hear how yall are feeling about this next exciting patch!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide