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Explorando el placer de los juegos de palabras: 4...

Los juegos de palabras han sido durante mucho tiempo un pasatiempo popular que ofrece una combinación única de estimulación mental, expansión del vocabulario y entretenimiento. En la era digital, varios juegos de palabras han conquistado los corazones de jugadores de todo el mundo. Entre estos, "4 Fotos 1 Palabra", "Wordscapes" y "Words With Friends" se destacan como tres destacados contendientes que han redefinido el género de los juegos de palabras. Echemos un vistazo más de cerca a cada uno de estos juegos y exploremos qué los hace tan atractivos y amados.

4 Fotos 1 Palabra: Un giro pictórico en adivinar palabras
"4 Fotos 1 Palabra", también conocido como "", agrega un giro cautivador a los juegos de palabras tradicionales. En lugar de proporcionar letras, a los jugadores se les presentan cuatro imágenes que comparten un tema común. El desafío radica en descifrar la palabra oculta que conecta estas imágenes. Este enfoque único de los juegos d…

I Just Found Out

Ah yes, I played a couple rounds of league yesterday and I'll explain how my first one went. I haven't played League in like a month and when I went into my game yesterday with Gwen so in the prelobby, I asked "Did they nerf Gwen yet?" One person said no and I believed him because I didn't think Riot would nerf my favorite champion or at least think of a way to nerf her. I started just laning like normal against the enemy top laner. As soon as I hit level two, I dashed in and started auto attacking. Something was wrong though, my attack speed was way too low. I then died because better auto attacker wins. WHEN I LOOKED AT GWEN's E ( Skip 'n Slash) I REALIZED IT WAS 20% ATTACK SPEED INSTEAD OF 40% ATTACK SPEED. I then proceeded to type to my teammate, "I THOUGHT YOU SAID THEY DIDN'T NERF GWEN." They then explained that she was nerfed a patch ago and not the most recent patch. After the game ended, I looked at the patch where Gwen was nerfed. Her E attack speed is scaling from 20% to 80%…

About my guides

Hey what's up, it's me again.
By now, you have probably noticed that most of my guides are troll/off-meta stuff, but I do make a serious one every now and then.
Truth is, I want to be known around here but I don't have a lot of champions I know how to play enough to make a guide of them. So far I've only made Kayn guides, thinking of making a Morde guide once I play him enough with new items, but I have a general idea already.

Now that I've got your attention, I'd like to ask for some tips to fill the Guide Chapter section. Whenever I make a guide, I see the Guide Chapter thing and I want to write stuff but I have no clue what to do, so if you could help me out a bit I'd be so grateful. Like, seriously, it would mean a lot.

That's it for today's blog, good luck in the Rift. Peace.

Kayle's attack speed is not boosted late is nerfed

Since there are so many mistakes regarding maths involved in the potential change, I think this needs to be clarified.



For an unknown reason, RiotAugust mentionned a wrong information on his message, Kayle's base ttack speed is not 0.625, it is already 0.667, she just suffers a 0.042 decrease for some reason. So there is no "she will scale harder with attack speed items", the formula is still 0.667 X (1+[atk spd growth X lvl]+[bonus atk spd from items and passives]) except that now her passive give her 20% LESS attack speed and she gets 0.5% MORE per level. So it evens out at lvl 40. Which means that it is a nerf of 11% attack speed at lvl 18 (a tiny bit more than 0.07 attack per sec).

I don't care regarding the rest of the changes but this part needs to be said

Opinion about Ekko

There are few champions in the game that make me question Riots balancing team. But Ekko is definitely one of those champions that I ban nearly EVERY game now. Spammable (Mana cost almost non-noticeable) Q with Dorans for stupid easy wave clear, Massive shield in a wide area great for zoning, else the enemy laner will get stunned and lose a trade/kill, Build in Sheen with a dash, and an "oops i ****ed up" reset ult. Maybe its with the new runes that he is a big pain the *** in lane now, but I have definitely been seeing more Ekko's lately and it makes me want to pull my hair out.

I can't wait the bees in minecraft

They are looking so cute, I did not know how useful would be to have them around, but I wanna build a farm only for their honesy and a big garden of flowers so they can play there and get their pollem.
From what I understand you can craft a nest so I will be able to do it on my survival world probably.

Bee personallity is adorable tho, just look at campfire details about them.

Teemo Club EUNE


we need 1 more captain to join our ranks so we can finally use our -TEEM0- club tag!:) Anyone interested in the same club tag, just add me on EUNE - RazyeLx

Teemo Clan Tag


I always wanted a Teemo clan tag, but the good ones are already taken or the owners are nowhere to be found. So I created this one: -TEEM0- for EUWE region. If anyone wants the same clan tag, you can add me: RazyeLx (EUNE).
Let the Captains unite!:)

Zed's Relevance In The Meta Right Now?

Pretty much the title. How relevant do you guys think Zed is right now? Imho he is pretty weak, weaker than he used to be even though I can still get fed a lot. There are just better champions at the moment for mid lane and winning games. Your thoughts? Do you think Zed will get buffed or nerfed anytime soon. I hope to god he doesn't get nerfed. But he's been in the shadows for awhile so I get this feeling that something will happen to zed soon. (Though I guess he's 'balanced' or doesn't need change atm, even if he is weaker than usual. Idk.)

How to play xinzhao go to jungle season 8

Passive - Determination

Free damage and free healing. Scales with level and 10% AD. (It still has a a 40% AP scaling for URF-mode AP xin fans).

NOTE: This work off of basic attacks and also xinzhaow.png strikes, which means you can finish an unsuspecting foe with the final jab on xinzhaow.png combined with this burst.


xinzhaoq.png Q - Three Talon Strike

Gone were the days where Xin abused 3124.png for huge bursts and knockups on Q. The base AD and bonus AD scaling on this ability isn't where it used to be. It nevertheless remains one of Xin's significant CC when ganking and useful in dueling. This is maxed second for greater output and because of xinzhaoe.png's relative poor scaling.

Note: xinzhaoq.png is an AA reset, use accordingly.
Note: xinzhaoq.png reduce his abilities' cooldown by 1 second each. Thus when dueling, it is worth puttingxinzhaow.png on CD first.


xinzhaow.png W - Wind Becomes Lightning

This ability is unique to post-rework Xin. It's similar …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide