MiximumDennis Miximum Dennis MixD guide to win in...

Hello. I am MixD aka MiximumDennis and I went on my smurf account and i want to teach and coach players there individual. I never hard stomp so I don't ruin games so don't think otherwise in your hate if you have one. More than 300 games in iron which is where most of the users of this sub probably are. Here are some advices that every player struggling to climb needs to do in not particular order of importance:
Gank and roam to top. This is very important. Be practive. Doesn't matter if it's tank or not. Doesn't matter if your toplaner died. Just gank them. It will make them feel better. Work on getting the shutdown when appropriate. Especially if it's Yorick, Kayle or Illaoi matchup, and absolutely Vayne matchup so better learn towerdiving techniques and champion just for that. The reason being if they get hullbreaker and stuff they can reac…
Hello. I am MixD aka MiximumDennis and I went on my smurf account and i want to teach and coach players there individual. I never hard stomp so I don't ruin games so don't think otherwise in your hate if you have one. More than 300 games in iron which is where most of the users of this sub probably are. Here are some advices that every player struggling to climb needs to do in not particular order of importance:
Gank and roam to top. This is very important. Be practive. Doesn't matter if it's tank or not. Doesn't matter if your toplaner died. Just gank them. It will make them feel better. Work on getting the shutdown when appropriate. Especially if it's Yorick, Kayle or Illaoi matchup, and absolutely Vayne matchup so better learn towerdiving techniques and champion just for that. The reason being if they get hullbreaker and stuff they can reac…