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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

MiximumDennis Miximum Dennis MixD guide to win in...

Hello. I am MixD aka MiximumDennis and I went on my smurf account and i want to teach and coach players there individual. I never hard stomp so I don't ruin games so don't think otherwise in your hate if you have one. More than 300 games in iron which is where most of the users of this sub probably are. Here are some advices that every player struggling to climb needs to do in not particular order of importance:

Gank and roam to top. This is very important. Be practive. Doesn't matter if it's tank or not. Doesn't matter if your toplaner died. Just gank them. It will make them feel better. Work on getting the shutdown when appropriate. Especially if it's Yorick, Kayle or Illaoi matchup, and absolutely Vayne matchup so better learn towerdiving techniques and champion just for that. The reason being if they get hullbreaker and stuff they can reac…

Season 13 impact on off-meta

Having only played league during season 11 and 12, I have never really seen any really big changes to the game. Well, I guess I have, but I never noticed them since I was new to the game, and any new changes to the game during the "early days" of my playtime didn't stand out to me, as everything was new and confusing anyway.

With this, I realize as we soon are about to enter season 13, There'll be a lot of changes to the game, expecially the jungle, and while riot tries to balance the normal gameplay, so that no champions are overpowered or underpowered (except a select few (ryze) who are have been cursed to forever be doomed to irrelevance), I know this won't be the case for off-meta.

As a player that enjoys off-meta, I feel like this will make the game a lot less fun. It already felt bad when riot decided to nerf your favorite champion into oblivion, but now there's a very real risk of some off-meta playstyles or strategies to simply vanish.

This is especially true for off-meta ju…

Dark harvest Vs Hail of Blades Twitch All Roles (...

DH is a lot of fun if you try to go for as much Ap as possible and get that E to go off and be a flashy oneshot, While I find HOB a lot more versatile and is good going into a lot of matchups.

I believe that Ratirl was running it to see if it is viable into certain matchups ( go look at his accounts and see the matchups where he takes DH ) (( Links Below to two ))

I run DH when I play twitch support or mid and the enemy either has a way too much poke or way too much engagement to the point where u can not safely stay in lane. Hopefully, you have an ADC that has a mind and can hopefully know how to play safe / under the tower.

while U run around and play support twitch just as u would play river twitch. As river twitch, You are able to steal certain enemy camps ( chickens and gromp, blue/red ) and take scuttle + soak lane XP. ( a lot of fun if u get good at it )

I often find …

5 Supports to Abuse in the Preseason

Welcome to Season 11. We're experiencing one of the biggest gameplay transformations to date. It can be quite difficult to navigate through all the changes and determine the best ways to play. In this blog post, I will make things simple: I will identify emerging superpowers in the support role and their new build paths/playstyle adjustments.

Notable Items: Locket of the Iron Solari or

5 Bottom Lane Carries to Abuse in the Preseason

Welcome to Season 11. We're experiencing one of the biggest gameplay transformations to date. It can be quite difficult to navigate through all the changes and determine the best ways to play. In this blog post, I will make things simple: I will identify emerging superpowers in the bottom lane and their new build paths/playstyle adjustments.

Notable Items: Immortal Shieldbow &

Season 11 Update?

So, because Season 11 of League of Legends is so close to coming, I was wondering if those who enjoy reading/using my Lee Sin Guide guide would like me to continue updating it into Season 11? I'm not sure if it will become irrelevant for the new season (it most likely will), so I was thinking that due to the massive system change overhaul with Items and Runes and Ability Haste instead of Cooldown Reduction, I should update it for the new season. Thoughts?

Volibear Guide

Hey there everyone!

I just came back from a hiatus playing LoL and well I was able to play about 140 games in the last month or so. A lot of things changed and I adapted pretty well to them and I feel like the game got better throughout the years. The champions I really enjoyed climbing the ladder right now are Morde, Voli, and Jayce. I am thinking of creating a guide for each one of them. I finished Voli's guide and published it now just in case you guys are interested: I am currently working the jungle version of the guide. Next up is Morde. Anyways, hope to see you guys in the Rift!

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide