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6 days 52 games

The stats:
CS 196.1 (6.4)
1.47:1 KDA
4.7 / 6.1 / 4.3
52 Played
Well I'm bad af but I need to say that I became more comfortable in diving and not dying.
I don't feel anything like literally nothing rn I'm on a massive win streak (7) and I don't feel anything but when I lose 2/3 in a row I want to kms , maybe its because of my gains +15 and losses -31.
Well I'm Silver 3 now and thats massive for me like actually huge so I'm happy for being Silver 3 with my mmr after being hardstuck silver 4 for more than 50 games.
Cya soon.

5 days in 46 games

The stats:
CS 200.5 (6.5)
1.41:1 KDA
4.8 / 6.5 / 4.3
46 Played
today was such a bad day, I inted like a ****ing pig and lost accordingly , I had a sump that was just trolling (0 vision score in 30 min), well my Jung just a ****ing disgusting kia player.
And I didn't snowball enough my lane I guess I was only 4/0 at that time my botlane was already 1/13 together so I couldn't carry.
Then I tried towerdiving w/o enough hp and well lost , I tilted and qd up again and lost the last game someone took renekton so I took teem but there was kennel top and renekton mid.
I cab like I never wanted to quit so much I created a new league account but now I'm fine and chill so I'm not gonna continue with it.
my cs got better.
I just want gold.

39 games in.............

I want to kms its just depressing my mmr is doomed -31 +15
My mental is bad I don't believe and lose I tilt easily and other things.
Stas atm:
CS 197.9 (6.3)
1.4:1 KDA
4.6 / 6.6 / 4.6
39 Played
For now I just activated party chat only so I cannot see people typing it helps to concentrate and not tilt that easily.
It's like today the day went bad af like the wr is meh 5 wins to 4 losses, but its the first time that I'm so energy drained after playing lol.
My Elo: bronze 1 98 lp

30 games in...

30. WR. 53.3% KDA 1.38
( 4.8 /6.8/ 4.6 )
cs x m 6.3
Lets begin... I'm such a dog can't express it with words my mental is bad so I'm gonna need to work on it , the 30th game went badly ,I was going 2/3 and my support (lux) decided that she could take all my cs , I tilted and started running it down like going for ******ed plays not helping her in team fights and other , but then I saw an opportunity and got a triple kill 1v3 so I started playing again and won , my jungle was really good and carried it as well.
I cannot deal with the stress to play vs a yorick I win laying phase, yes? Someone is gonna give him the opportunity to kill them and you get outscaled after what ? 2 items even quicker its hard to kill him w boots and 1 item.
I'm really bad at garens like I'm getting baited and well I die.
Sion matchup is something else , like idk sions in silver are bad af so I won every game vs a sion for now.
No ranged top laners so far , hm idk why but in those 10 games …

update 20 games in

Yo guys I'm really excited or almost at the moment the stats are those:
CS 191.3 (6.3)
1.35:1 KDA
4.3 / 6.3 / 4.3
20 Played
for now I carried 2 games and I'm getting better at trading + cs even if it doesn't look like it , I intend 3 games hard for 2 of them my connection said that I should kms(in game),so my kda looks like **** as well.
Update of what I learned: going and trying with illaoi while your connection sucks is gonna make me tilt and int, then how to play against gwems and Garens.
I have a lil problem khm mhm mhm my mmr is doomed, I gain 15 for a victory and I lose 31 for a loss.
cya in the next 10 games
my goal for the next 10 games is:
at least 7cs x min in every game
learn how to dive
learn the cheater recall
trade like a human being and not like a dog
and last but not the least important learn when to tp to people
current rank: S4 59 lp

Ranked Climb in Preseason

I believe these are all my games since the preseason change. Rocking Bronze 1, woo hoo!

I play jungle. I play with the enemy team muted and my team's chat really small. If any chat interaction with my team annoys me or people are pinging me too often I quickly mute them. /mute all is a fairly common occurrence.

If I look at my rune pages, Precision seems to be a pretty strong set at the moment.

Pets I honestly can't tell that much of a difference on. I think the damage one is the worst of the lot, with the utility of the other two once transformed being much more useful.

Kiting: I've never super optimized my clears so I like that it isn't as required.

Sustain: can be a problem on some junglers still, but not as big a deal for a lot of junglers. For mana users I sometimes find myself going OOM in late game outside of the jungle.

Cross map invading as a recourse to a gank on the opposite side of the map is less fruitful as you often can only pick up 1 camp before the enemy ju…

Diamond IV

But how huge are the ego's in Diamond IV, I swear I got king kong on one side up the enemy jungles *** when hes 0/10, giving another 100 gold to the enemy team because hes worth nothing at this point, whilst my ADC and support are inting botlane for the 900th time typing "BUT IT WAS SOOO CLOSE" no it wasnt you inters stfu. Top laners don't even play league man they just queue up, put some music on and slap some turrets >_<

Climb as ADC main

Hey guys! I play mostly ADC ( my main roles ADC /sup) on s2-s3 mmr, and I burned out. I'm tired of bad teammates, ( especially when my sup picks yuumi or lux and cry the whole game...) and face against (almost) full assasin team comps ( zed, kayn, etc) what should I do for climb? Switch role, or hard carry adc-s 0-24? ( jinx, vayne, jhin etc. )

Climb by Carrying for Silver

Stop Fighting and Start Pushing!!
If you want to climb a lot easier, you need to stop fighting and start pushing! After laning phase, you'll typically find yourself doing that 20 minute ARAM. Your goal is to prevent this ARAM for as long as possible. This ARAM is where most players lose their lead, tilt, then blame others. You need to split push and keep constant pressure on that lane. This will ensure that someone will always be in that lane to stop you from taking tower. Your splitting will pay off in the long run. You'll have a level lead, gold lead, and players are more likely to listen to you if your doing well. Just simply tell your team to play around you, and when you start joining in on those ARAMs because you'll dominate it with your lead then carry the game. Not all champions have this potential, so I highly recommend you play top lane because this lane has many champions that can 1v5. Mid doesn't work out well because everyone is there 24/7, ADC doesn't work as good because…

A Good Explanation On Why You Should Play Gwen

Gwen has almost no weaknesses and when played perfectly, she's flawless. She has an extremely overwhelming early game and just continues scaling from there. I've been bullying lane bullies like Reneketon. She can even beat champions that were specifically made for early game like Lee Sin with ease. Once she hits 6, she's basically impossible to duel. Her ultimate allows her to 1v2 with ease and even 1v3 when played out correctly. She's a good teamfighter because her W forces a fight with a frontline for 5 seconds, and that's enough time for Gwen to burst them. She has a good engage with her Ultimate that slows, and can disengage if she thinks its a bad situation with the rest of her Ultimate charges. Gwen scales! She doesn't fall off! Gwen does more damage late game because she has more AP. (Don't say duh and keep reading so you know why I said this.) Her passive does an additional 0.8% maximum target health damage for every 100 AP she gets! If you want to jus

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide