Top Lane Tier list 6.9/Best 5 Top laners

5.Sion-Great laning you are tanky and u scale great for the mid game and late game u should go with the grasp of the undying and core is sunfire spirit vissage and iceborn.
4.Malphite-Not the best in lane/early but when u stack armor u become a moster and u have one of the best teamfights in the game u should use the grasp of the undying again with the same core items as sion.
3.Trundle-Trundle is one of the best picks now becouse of his laning,he is prob. the best 1 v 1 top laner now becouse of his ult and he is great in teamfights core items are sunfire iceborn spirit vissage titanic hydra/ravenous hydra.
2.Maokai-Maokai is prob. my favourite top laner right now.He provides amazing CC in teamfights and he is great laner with his passive giving him great sustain. I highly recommend u picking him and abusing the meta items.
1.Ekko-And the N1 is Ekko he is prob the best laner and he has the strongest early and mid game he is realy strong pick now and u should allways pick him when u can…
4.Malphite-Not the best in lane/early but when u stack armor u become a moster and u have one of the best teamfights in the game u should use the grasp of the undying again with the same core items as sion.
3.Trundle-Trundle is one of the best picks now becouse of his laning,he is prob. the best 1 v 1 top laner now becouse of his ult and he is great in teamfights core items are sunfire iceborn spirit vissage titanic hydra/ravenous hydra.
2.Maokai-Maokai is prob. my favourite top laner right now.He provides amazing CC in teamfights and he is great laner with his passive giving him great sustain. I highly recommend u picking him and abusing the meta items.
1.Ekko-And the N1 is Ekko he is prob the best laner and he has the strongest early and mid game he is realy strong pick now and u should allways pick him when u can…