jax rework fan concept (200 years alert)

Jax Rework Concept
by Kurooaisu
Runeterra's greatest weapons master, Jax is the only survivor of the Kohari—champions sworn to the defense of Icathia. But when the Void was unleashed against the Shurima Crest icon.png Shuriman empire's Ascended Host, Icathia was destroyed, leaving Jax without a home or purpose. He gathered the “last light of Icathia”, a symbol of his hope to one day defeat the Void, and now travels the world, searching for warriors strong enough to face the coming darkness by his side.
He holds a very important part in fighting against Void. However, the in-game Jax doesn't reflect that. Here, he is a champion very capable of using many different weapons, to the point of being able to defeat anyone. Feeling to strong, instead of using real weapon, he uses a lamppost to give his enemies a fighting chance. "iMagINe if i hAVe A reAAAAAAaaaL weApON."
So, to give him a reflect the current League of Legends lore in a better way, we decided to give him a visual and
by Kurooaisu
Runeterra's greatest weapons master, Jax is the only survivor of the Kohari—champions sworn to the defense of Icathia. But when the Void was unleashed against the Shurima Crest icon.png Shuriman empire's Ascended Host, Icathia was destroyed, leaving Jax without a home or purpose. He gathered the “last light of Icathia”, a symbol of his hope to one day defeat the Void, and now travels the world, searching for warriors strong enough to face the coming darkness by his side.
He holds a very important part in fighting against Void. However, the in-game Jax doesn't reflect that. Here, he is a champion very capable of using many different weapons, to the point of being able to defeat anyone. Feeling to strong, instead of using real weapon, he uses a lamppost to give his enemies a fighting chance. "iMagINe if i hAVe A reAAAAAAaaaL weApON."
So, to give him a reflect the current League of Legends lore in a better way, we decided to give him a visual and