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MOBAFire Blog Feed

A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

RP Code Giveaway

Hi everyone, I got a 10 usd RP code from Mobafire, but I don't need it myself, so I am going to give it away. To participate, comment to this post with a champion that is missing a good guide in your opinion, I will pick the winner randomly and make a guide of one of the suggested champions. I will give the code away soon.


Just a Disclaimer

Most of my posted builds are made for my convenience. I can't find another TFT Comp builder out there that allows me to keep track of what Augments to look for with this new set (at the time of this post, Set 6). A lot of these are Mobalytics Pre-Builds or builds I've found through Mobafire and wanted to improve upon and include information (such as how one should Slow Roll, Fast 8, etc.)



Ezreal guide being delayed

Unfortunately, I won't be working at all on my Ezreal guide that I'm cookin up this weekend, as it is my birthday tomorrow, and I don't really want to be working on the guide during my birthday weekend. Hope you understand. Ezreal guide will still be out by the end of this month. Some other news is that I am also working on greatly boosting up the visual appearance of my Lethality Garen guide, which probably won't be released until around mid April. I am also currently trying to gain more of a recognition in the MOBAFire community, so if you like my guides, and wouldn't mind sharing them with a friend, then it would be appreciated.


Shoutout to all the scouts

I have just written a decently long comment (something I don't really do often). Apparently I was writing it for 45 minutes and it's not even half as long as the review comments of local Scouts. Just imagining the time it has to take to write one full review, makes my keyboard want to commit suicide. So yeah, shoutout to all the scouts for investing so much time just to help others <3

Something I Can't Process

I'd like to start this off by saying the following:

Why do my Anivia guides have 82k views across all of them? 50k for my Anivia Support guide. I DEFINITELY do not recall it being that high. Even if 50k for a guide wouldn't make it one of the more popular guides for Anivia, that's still ridiculously high for me.

Here's the thing, right? Think about it for a moment. Even if each person were to view that guide 10 times in total, that's still 5000 people! The thought that so many people have actually even clicked on my guide makes me wanna toss myself into a river and pass out from embarrassment.

Another thing is that some people decided to even read my guides, even after I put out a disclaimer that they weren't gonna be learning anything since I was a bronze. It's pretty trippy when I think about it.

When I first started out on Moba, I wasn't expecting to get any more than 100 views on my Anivia Mid guide, the first guide I made. Well, the next day I woke up to several hundred. Then …

Anivia Changes

Yep it's once again been a very long time since I've made a blog post but here we are.

There's obviously been Preseason 11 going on which has confused me way more than it should have. For starters, they removed Rod of Ages which used to be something essential on Anivia. I honestly have no clue what's going on in the store anymore. They changed a lot of items' stats, as well as adding new ones - not to mention the complete rework of the shop which had me standing at base for 5 minutes trying to figure it out at the beginning. There's just so much going on that I'm going to try and learn more about them before I really make any major changes to my guides to better reflect Preseason 11.

With all that out of the way, I wanted to make this to just talk about the changes with Anivia coming on December 9th (or so it's scheduled for then). From the website I read, it displays the following changes in stats:

Projectile attacks’ base speed increased to 1600 from 1500
Cast offset of attack d


It's been over a month since I last wrote anything which probably was weird, considering I was just writing posts actively. Hiya there! I'm back with all limbs intact. School and extracurriculars have been FAR too chaotic but I'm back and I'm going to start working on my Anivia Jungle guide.

I just got a score for my Anivia Jungle guide and the score is in the YELLOW, which is expected honestly. I wasn't good at jungling then and I was making one with a very off-meta champ. I sound pretty stupid in the guide and I just read over the guide, wanting to smack my face into my keyboard the entire way through. I'm currently prioritizing my Jungle guide as a result of that and will work on my Anivia Support guide later.

I also wanna take this time to mention that I won't be nearly as active I was over quarantine and summer but I'll still be on almost every day. So don't be hesitant to shoot me a pm with anything - I don't bite :)

BBCoding Icons & Images

Hey hey,

Did you know you can BBCode in icons/images? Well I didn't :(
Now if any of you saw my Table Coding guide you know you can do a lot of things with tables using borders, background color, padding and whatnot. But apparently you can also do (some) of those things with icons/images!

Starting with icons (since you can only do 1 thing with them):
You can add borders to them using border="??px style color".
For example:
Code: [icon=ice shard size=50 border="5px solid darkslateblue"]

This is relatively simple (and MUCH easier than adding tables), however stuff like padding, background color and border-radius doesn't work (with icons).

However, all that works with images! Can you believe it??! Check it out:

Code: [img= border="5px double Mediumpurple" border-radius=50px width=600px padding=10px bgcolor=darkslateblue height=auto]

I went through a lot trouble to make sure all the i…

Mobafire Rules

wow I feel like a criminal after reading mobafire rules :DDD (I generally don't read such things and I don't think most people would read as well)

There were some forbidden things like abusing republish feature that I was doing. (I mean, a lot of people do it :/ it feels like if I don't do it as well my content lists will be buried under them...)

and short messages like "..." or emojis seem to be considered as spam... I thought since comments below 25w don't give points it's okay to leave short comments xD

finally, I suggest people who haven't checked it take a look.
and haha... thanks for not banning me yet 😂

have a nice day :)

General Update

Ah, so where exactly do I begin with this one? It's been a while since my last blog post, but that's mainly been because I haven't been doing a lot regarding my guides. The major Anivia Support guide rework hasn't happened just yet, as not only have I been busy, but I've been procrastinating in what little free time I've had. Though to be fair, I did do a few minor edits over the past week and a half.

I'd also like to take this time while I have your attention span to thank y'all. My Anivia Support guide has gone from 9 votes to 14 from the last time I checked and from 5000 views to almost 10000. As for my Anivia Mid guide, it's now 8000 views from 6000. These are quite significant figures relative to the previous numbers from 12 days ago. When I created my Anivia Mid guide, I didn't think it would garner any attention, but lo and behold, here we are with thousands of people viewing my work. Uh, that thought is mildly intimidating yet gratifying. Really, thank you!

(If you're wonderi…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide