Hey hey,
Did you know you can BBCode in icons/images? Well I didn't :(
Now if any of you saw my Table Coding guide you know you can do a lot of things with tables using borders, background color, padding and whatnot. But apparently you can also do (some) of those things with icons/images!
Starting with icons (since you can only do 1 thing with them):
You can add borders to them using border="??px style color".
For example:
Code: [icon=ice shard size=50 border="5px solid darkslateblue"]
This is relatively simple (and MUCH easier than adding tables), however stuff like padding, background color and border-radius doesn't work (with icons).
However, all that works with images! Can you believe it??! Check it out:
Code: [img=https://universe-meeps.leagueoflegends.com/v1/assets/images/dream-thief-splash.jpg border="5px double Mediumpurple" border-radius=50px width=600px padding=10px bgcolor=darkslateblue height=auto]
I went through a lot trouble to make sure all the i…