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jax rework fan concept (200 years alert)

Jax Rework Concept
by Kurooaisu

Runeterra's greatest weapons master, Jax is the only survivor of the Kohari—champions sworn to the defense of Icathia. But when the Void was unleashed against the Shurima Crest icon.png Shuriman empire's Ascended Host, Icathia was destroyed, leaving Jax without a home or purpose. He gathered the “last light of Icathia”, a symbol of his hope to one day defeat the Void, and now travels the world, searching for warriors strong enough to face the coming darkness by his side.

He holds a very important part in fighting against Void. However, the in-game Jax doesn't reflect that. Here, he is a champion very capable of using many different weapons, to the point of being able to defeat anyone. Feeling to strong, instead of using real weapon, he uses a lamppost to give his enemies a fighting chance. "iMagINe if i hAVe A reAAAAAAaaaL weApON."

So, to give him a reflect the current League of Legends lore in a better way, we decided to give him a visual and

LoL Jokes

Q: What do you call a missing Warwick?

A: A WHEREwolf!

Q: What do you call a game-winning laser?

A: Viktor-E!
Q: Did you hear what happened to Singed's Twitter followers?

A: They all died.
Q: What do you do to a toxic Zyra?

A: You repot her!
Q: Why is Twisted Fate an illegal immigrant?

A: Because he doesn’t have a green card!

Lee Sin walks into a bar… and a table… and a chair.

Q: What do you call Kennen when he is stunned in Lightning Rush?

A: Static Electricity.
Q: Why can’t Sivir win the spelling bee?

A: She can only spell shield!
Q: Why did Fizz fall off his pole?

A: Because he’s so unbalanced.
Noc Noc
Who’s There?

I heard Yorick has a crush on a certain ADC. He really digs graves.

Yorick walks into a bar. There’s no counter.

Q: How many bronze players does it take to screw in a light bulb?

A: Who knows – They can’t climb the ladder.
A Korean boy killed his best friend after losing three games in a row in League of Legends. The …

Made a presentation for my allies in champ select

No more explaining why I play off-meta champs
No more explaining that I am not a troll
Only harmony and peace <3

Though I gotta say the presentation is pretty trash XD
I broke like all the color scheme rules there are.
Luckily for me, normal players ain't no experienced Mobafire scouts :D


Teemo is one of those champions that take the most skill out of anyone in this game.

Firstly, he's very powerful in the early laning phase due to high damage potential and high tactic. However, he's also very limited in that he'll still have trouble fighting nearly every other opponent in the game, which is why Teemo should be respected, and worshipped for not being a flashy 12-15 year old appeasing champ with True Damage, CC, Dashes & Sustain.

He's not a Darius or a Katarina that will get fed and absolutely stomp with no weaknesses in sight. If Teemo gets fed, he still has to play smart and strategize to win, he'll just have an easier time with his (R) and his (Q), but he can't just press (R) in the middle of the teamfight and 1v5 like half the champs in this game and then get away with his forty dashes, invulnerability, CC and bright flashy lights (Which he doesn't have).

Teemo needs to strategize, no matter how powerful he gets. He needs to place his mushrooms with thought. He ne…



I'm Fexi,and I make USELESS BUILD to chill, have fun, experiment new weird strategies that could have the potential to work, perhaps?... may be? Surely there is at least one player out there who can get something good from these build. XD

Anyway, try this (with your friends though) if you want to try new weird stuff just for the sake of curiosity, entertainment and laughter (or at least a quick smirk and a nose exhalation).

Cheers peeps! :)

Guess I won't make a TOC then XD

Ahhh what a beautiful day for creating a Table of Content for my guide. I already have most of chapters done, I have some basic knowledge of BBCode and I know how to copy > edit Jhoijhoi's BBCode templates from Making a guide. I scroll through few of them and I see that L3gislacerator made a wonderful one, it looks nice and clean and I want to have it. Well my guide has a bit more chapters but that will be fine. I paste the code into my guide, change to color & chapters and skin on the left and I think to myself "God this will look amaizing, What could go wrong??"

𝓐𝓮𝓼𝓽𝓱𝓮𝓽𝓲𝓬 𝓟𝓮𝓻𝓯𝓮𝓬𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷


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(Satire) Five Reasons why Garen is the Hottest...

I have absolutely no doubt in my mind that Garen is my secret boyfriend.
Here are my reasons as to why!

(WARNING - Garen fangirls might suffer from the following symptoms while reading about Garen:)

  • Anime nosebleeds
  • Spinning around with your computer screaming "DEMACIA!"
  • Crashing into your parents while spinning, leading them to question if you're high on drugs.
  • ******s
  1. AMAZING attack damage carry!
  2. His original art from the older days of League of Legends makes him look like SUCH A HUNK!
  3. He looks like even more of a hunk when drawn as an anime character!
  4. His breakups with girls that break his heart are unlike anything you've ever seen!
  5. He gets his *** handed to him by Teemo.

League of Legend Community

Seriously there are players that are so much fun.
In some games I find myself in a team, where

.1 or more players don't even chat and feed saying more than anything;

.Player gets killed top, and says that the jungler is bad even though he's bot;

.That guy that has already played 2 or more games, of course lost every one of that, and flames everyone because he is p*ssed off even when it's his fault;

.That guy that in the pick calls a lane after 5 seconds and pretends to have got that lane when you have already called it 10 times, and of course, he feeds because you don't give him the lane;

.And last, but not the least, that one that starts a game when he has to go, and he is like " Oh sorry, I'm going can you handle this? ".

Because overall our beloved " League of Legends" is a stressful game! I find myself in the list I wrote up there, sometimes I punch the computer's keyboard because of getting killed while my support is taking a nap under the turret.
Very often I get that " …

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide