Enderstar Gaming Renovations: What has changed?

Monday March 25th, 2013:
Alright everyone, I know that anyone coming here from Enderstar Gaming’s youtube channel probably has some questions that they want answered about why nothing has been posted over the last few months. I will say it all again on the next episode of every series, but I thought I’d say it here first.
Over the last few months, everyone from Enderstar Gaming has been very busy with their personal lives, including me. Schedules have been tight, and nothing is too clear at the moment. However in the meantime, we’ve been working to improve the quality of our channel, live stream, and other things. These changes aren’t complete yet, but when they are, they will result in a much better entertainment experience.
So what does this mean for you? Let me start listing things off and explaining.
The You-Tube Channel:
For anyone saying that the background isn’t too good, we all agree with you, and don’t like it ourselves. Sadly, we have no artists in Enderstar Gamin…