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What I do

Growing up, music has been the biggest part of my life. I feel like it touches everyone on a personal level. You can never tell for certain if someone is lying to you, or if they are who they say they are, but in the end, you can tell through music. Music is the single thing that binds the entire world. Everyone listens to music. It surrounds everyday life, whether you notice it or not, it is always there. From the chirping of a bird, to Beethoven's Famous Symphonies, Music is everywhere. Music is like a living organism, It's constantly changing and flowing. Throughout the ages, it adapts, and varies between years. Without music, where would we all be? No more dancing, singing. No more lullabies to babies, and no more ceremonies. Without music, we would be lost, and separate. Music brings the whole world together. In the end, It won't be aliens, nor war that bring the countries together. It will be music, because Music Is Life.

'League of Legends' music gets an EDM remix in...

Something about electronic dance music makes it the perfect soundtrack to League of Legends. Maybe it's that pounding bass. Maybe it's EDM's steady, rhythmic backbone. Maybe it's the energy inherent in EDM that makes it the soundtrack of choice for many of League's professional players, streamers, YouTubers and even Riot Games itself. Or, maybe it's simpler than all of that.

"League is just cool as **** and so is EDM."

That's Marshmello, one of the contributors on Riot Games' latest project, Warsongs, an album of 11 League of Legends tracks each remixed by high-profile or emerging EDM artists. It's available right now to download or stream in the US for free via Spotify, YouTube, Soundcloud, Google Play, iTunes and the League of Legends website.

"I feel like a majority of gamers already listen to electronic music because it's such a diverse genre," Marshmello says. "Some may want to listen to some heavy dubstep while others might jam out to some tropical house. It gives the players …

Silver Bolts, Chasing them all the way! (Jingle...

Silver Bolts, Silver Bolts!
Chasing them all the way!
Oh what fun I have getting lots of kills on you!

*repeat Chorus*

Going out of lane, getting ready for the gank!
Going to the bushes, and going to land my Q and ult!
You won't be safe, oh I can't let you out!
My silver bolts will seal the deal, oh!

*repeat Chorus 2x*

Can't stop

I just can't stop listening to this:

If you wanna blame someone for getting me into this anime blame Heazle! Totally her fault!

Oh and the anime is basically about a brother and sister trying to repair their relationship and as the story progresses they uhh *cough* start "liking" each other *cough*. If you're interested PM me and I'll link it for you. Too lazy to do it here :P

Hip Hop

So is it just me or is this music category a race to the kind of douche? I mean, I don't know much of it at all, but all I hear, from le1f and nicki minaj to azaelia banks and brooke candy, and whatever other **** I've been randomly hit by, all I hear is "I rock, I ride all that ****/*****es wan't my ****, I'm the next big thing, I'm ****ing amazing".

So basically, hip hop is about fapping to yourself?

Just a heads up for the guys making good music in LOL.

They're making pretty good music, altough in my opinion AoD is just more creative.
Might want to check them out if you don't know them yet.

Plentakill makes more of some "parodies", if you could call them so.
The music is mostly about a single champ, but they did multiple champs like a Vayne/Lulu botlane too.
Aod makes their own kind of music, which is why the flow might seem a bit off sometimes, but you normally won't mind. Their music is normally about a character group(E.G Demacia) or a lore wise interaction (like TF/Graves).
They won the summoners song contest btw.

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