What I do

Growing up, music has been the biggest part of my life. I feel like it touches everyone on a personal level. You can never tell for certain if someone is lying to you, or if they are who they say they are, but in the end, you can tell through music. Music is the single thing that binds the entire world. Everyone listens to music. It surrounds everyday life, whether you notice it or not, it is always there. From the chirping of a bird, to Beethoven's Famous Symphonies, Music is everywhere. Music is like a living organism, It's constantly changing and flowing. Throughout the ages, it adapts, and varies between years. Without music, where would we all be? No more dancing, singing. No more lullabies to babies, and no more ceremonies. Without music, we would be lost, and separate. Music brings the whole world together. In the end, It won't be aliens, nor war that bring the countries together. It will be music, because Music Is Life.