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Teams Qualified for Worlds 2020

So as we all know September 25th is the League of Legends World Championship and all the major regions from NA,EU,KR and China have their playoffs going on but I can’t wait to discuss the confirmed and potential teams we will get to see at Worlds2020!
Starting with NA: FlyQuest and Team Liquid have sealed their berth. Who do you think will join them? Imo it’ll probably be C9 as they just need to beat the winners of TSM and Golden Guardians which ended up with TSM winning in a reverse sweep.
EU: Rogue and G2 Esports are IN along with Fnatic, as they beat Rogue, Fnatic are in.
MAD would have qualified if RGE won vs Fnatic or MAD win against S04 next Friday.S04 qualify if they win against MAD.
Crazy! I want Schalke Miracle Run!
KR: NOBODY is locked in yet. There are many scenarios but first lets look at T1 since T1 are a worlds staple and ofc Faker . According to an Indian esports news article, these are the scenarios in summary: T1 need to reach 3rd or win Regionals or end up 4th and…

SwelteringMuffin, I'm coming for ya...

Basically out of nowhere my guide just jumped from 5th to 2nd position (and hopefully won't descend back again --__--), meaning that there is only one person standing in my way. One. Last. Person. I seriously hope that we can keep this duel civilised and graceful. Currently I am thinking about hunting you down and then making your guide dying in absolute shame that 2nd place is. And after I will win this little Muffin hunt and If you will be nice to me, I will MAYBE allow you to use one of my item sets in your games.

Here is a proof that I don't fear you in any possible way:

You can run @ SwelteringMuffin but you cannot hide...

Stubborn to a Fault - My Thoughts on the Current Meta

College has been keeping me busy, lately. I haven't been getting a lot of time to work on my guides. On the bright side, I've got plenty of time in between my classes, so I'm happy to spend my free time getting better at the game!

Not too long ago, I played Ranked for the first time. I won the game, getting an S. I've not been playing any more ranked games yet, though I plan to do so in the near future for Twitch livestreams. Until then, you can know me as that girl in Iron elo that compares her guides to the likes of Vapora. :P

My Thoughts on the Meta

My main roles are ADC and Support.

Honestly, seeing many players replace ADCs with heroes like Xerath and Neeko hurts for me to watch. Many ADCs are in a bad spot right now because they're getting nuked to hell by mages and bruisers that decide to play in the bot lane.

On the bright side, that doesn't mean people have stopped playing ADCs altogether. In more games than not, I still find myself going up against the trad

What Should the Pros pocket pick?

From watching lots of EU lcs and lots of international games I have been wondering why people don't play certain things. There are lots of things that are still fairly meta, yet are thrown out the window. Here is who I think should see more play in pro play.

Heimerdinger Mid: Heimerdinger was seen in the bot lane this season in lcs, yet after ADCs came back into relevance he stopped seeing play. Yet he can still be played mid as a counter to someone like Irelia or someone who cant clear waves well early game. Heimerdinger is the best counter for those types of champions with his turrets and he can also delete squishies if the correct combo is made. He is basically Zoe without a lack of waveclear early game and the ability to be super slippery and hard to catch with his turrets. He can also be a flex pick in the draft if needs be.

Nautilus Supp: Nautilus is an incredible engage support. He only really saw play as a counter as Thresh in Worlds yet he is a great replacement for when Ali…

My first ranked

So, I've been playing LoL for a year and a half. I started thanks to some of my friends and it was actually fun! I never played ranked because I'm not a competitive person, I don't care about my rank or whatsoever. But lately I decided that I wanted to try some ranked to see at what level I got to.
By "lately" I mean I decided that 4 MONTH AGO and until now I couldn't play because of my ranked anxiety. I even discovered like a week ago that it was really a thing and not just my head that was going crazy. So I try do read a bit about this thing and about the methods to cope with it and it actually helped (I have the same problem even in normal games if I'm not with at least one of my friends, so I had the opportunity to try them out).
Today I've done two ranked games. One in flex queue because my freind created the wrong lobby and both of us didn't noticed it. My lane was Malzahar vs. Zed; a pretty easy lane, unfortunately Zed got feeded and it was a bit over my control, but it ended wi…

What is the one champion played in competitive that...

For me it's definitely Varus. Although if we go beyond just one champion, I'd say any immobile AD Carry that is strong early but weak late game.

Varus is just so awful in my opinion. And here's my reasoning. What are the main reasons why the pro players started picking him?

-Good early game
-Great power spike with Rageblade
-Good poke and solid DPS if left untouched

Let me go over why those three reasons are invalid.

First of all his early game. Okay he has a good early game. So what? Most of the time when I see a Varus, he's unable to capitalize on his early game. And even if he does, if his team is unable to win the game quick enough, if the other team has a scaling AD Carry, the game is over once that scaling AD gets his items. Literally the only time when this isn't applicable is when the team playing against Varus has an early game champion too like Kalista or Draven. So yeah basically in my opinion his so called "great" early game isn't worth picking him. Game are often not d…


Hi guys...welcome! I main katarina, she is my fav champ.My main roles are mid and supp. My supp main is janna. There are also few champs that I like to lux,morgana,diana,leona...If you have any questions about these champs or any others just ask. I will try to be active as much as I can. You will see many helpful things for improving your gameplay. TY guys!!

Sharing my Account

Hello Everyone! Great to meet you guys here through Mobafire. I wanted to introduced that I am a LoL player since August 2012 or 2013 and I live in the Philippines. First and foremost, my currently most played champion is Yasuo, hello again.

Favorite Champion: Yasuo
Favorite Support: Soraka and Braum
Favorite Tank: Darius
Favorite Lane: Top and Mid
Favorite Marksman: Jinx
Favorite Farmer: Yasuo
Favorite Mid-Laner: Yasuo
Favorite Assassin: Yasuo
Favorite Build: Phantom Dancer

If you want me to play 1v1 or 5v5 (please note I am not playing rank match) just PM me on my account "Frayco500". Please if you are going to play with me as 1v1, don't make an embarrasing words or any foul words. I hate those players who are saying that. Be humble in victory, be graceful in defeat.

Thoughts on the upcoming NA, EU and LPL finals

G2 vs Splyce - I think this match-up depends a lot on Wunder vs Expect or G2 screwing something up. Wunder is definitely performing above and beyond expectations. While Expect isn't a bad player by any means, he is still G2's weakest link and an area to target. Not only that, G2 has a tendency to mess things up randomly. PerkZ is especially guilty of that as I often see him make silly mistakes. I expect G2 to win 3-2 but I definitely won't be surprised if Splyce takes it.

TSM vs C9 - TSM is obviously the clear favorites. They have better players and better macro. Not to mention C9 didn't have control in a lot of their games against Immortals. That being said, C9 still won games against Immortals with not a lot of control. So I do expect C9 to take at least 1 game from TSM despite TSM being a totally different beast than Immortals. 3-1 for TSM.

EDG vs RNG - I think both teams have super stacked rosters and both teams have a few weaknesses that can be exploitable. The biggest factors…

Thoughts on EU/NA/KR/CN playoffs.

So with playoffs coming soon, here are my thoughts on all matches!

Giants vs UoL - I think this match will be decently chaotic. Both teams like fighting so I expect a blood bath. I'd give it 3-2 to Giants but UoL can surprise!
Fnatic vs H2K - No matter which ADC plays for H2K, I think they will win the series. Fnatic is in really bad shape right now and I don't think they will pull through this time. I could be surprised of course but I don't think it'll happen.

C9 vs EnVyUs - 3-0 C9. Yeah. Just a 3-0. I don't think Envy stands any chance of winning a game let alone winning the series. They'd have to have improved MASSIVELY to even take a game. And I don't think it'll happen.
TL vs CLG - This one is REALLY hard to call. I think the teams are about evenly matched but if I had to take Week 9 form, I'd give it 3-2 to CLG. TL can definitely win though. Whoever wins will have to work hard for it.

Samsung vs KT Rolster - I think KT will win this one 3-2 or 3-1. Samsung has bee…

League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide