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A funnel for all the blogs on MOBAFire. Clicking an article will take you to the members personal blog page to read the entire blog post.

Climb by Carrying for Silver

Stop Fighting and Start Pushing!!
If you want to climb a lot easier, you need to stop fighting and start pushing! After laning phase, you'll typically find yourself doing that 20 minute ARAM. Your goal is to prevent this ARAM for as long as possible. This ARAM is where most players lose their lead, tilt, then blame others. You need to split push and keep constant pressure on that lane. This will ensure that someone will always be in that lane to stop you from taking tower. Your splitting will pay off in the long run. You'll have a level lead, gold lead, and players are more likely to listen to you if your doing well. Just simply tell your team to play around you, and when you start joining in on those ARAMs because you'll dominate it with your lead then carry the game. Not all champions have this potential, so I highly recommend you play top lane because this lane has many champions that can 1v5. Mid doesn't work out well because everyone is there 24/7, ADC doesn't work as good because…

A Good Explanation On Why You Should Play Gwen

Gwen has almost no weaknesses and when played perfectly, she's flawless. She has an extremely overwhelming early game and just continues scaling from there. I've been bullying lane bullies like Reneketon. She can even beat champions that were specifically made for early game like Lee Sin with ease. Once she hits 6, she's basically impossible to duel. Her ultimate allows her to 1v2 with ease and even 1v3 when played out correctly. She's a good teamfighter because her W forces a fight with a frontline for 5 seconds, and that's enough time for Gwen to burst them. She has a good engage with her Ultimate that slows, and can disengage if she thinks its a bad situation with the rest of her Ultimate charges. Gwen scales! She doesn't fall off! Gwen does more damage late game because she has more AP. (Don't say duh and keep reading so you know why I said this.) Her passive does an additional 0.8% maximum target health damage for every 100 AP she gets! If you want to jus

Official Soraka Mains Discord Moved!

Hi all, This is an official notice. I have moved the Official Soraka Mains Community guide over to a new account that is shared with all the soraka mains in the soraka mains discord so that way all the guide helpers can assist in updating the guide as a group rather than just pinging me to add something to the guide as it has been for the last few months since this guide's birth. You can find the new and recent iteration of this guide here:

I hope you all have a wonderful day and I love you al <3. See you in the new guide!

Blame The Jungler :)

Being a jungle main one thing comes to notice that is solo laners including bot lane feeds a lot then just simply blames it on the jungler who works so hard to not only gank but counter gank and get ahead of the en jungler along with prioritizing objectives. All these combined and worked out efficiently is certainly not easy. So please take it as a food for thought and stop blaming your jungler and pay him some respect! Thank you1 :)

Lee Sin Mastery 7

Hi guys!

I've finally done it! After a few days of commitment to my goal, I have reached mastery 7 on my second champion ever, Lee Sin!

Kind of sad to think that it took over a year to get more than one mastery 7 but that is how it is.

Hear me out, Xin Zhao Mid.

So I've surveyed the vast cosmos of league content and have found sort of a 'gold spot' in the meta. What I mean by that is a type of champion that will do well in the meta in most lanes against every matchup. In the mid lane, I've seen lee-sin do well, since he is a great 1v1 melee champion but can also heavily cripple a mages health with his Q and dash. Another example is Nocturne, who can Q onto someone and use his E for the gap closer, not to mention his ultimate, which he can basically lock onto anyone and probably get the kill. The more prevalent meta picks like Lee and Noc are Yasuo and Yone, because they have very nice gap closing abilities and scale really well.

I've played quite a bit of xin zhao, and I've recently tried him in the mid lane.

I don't want to say he's op, but he's definitely something.
His W does a lot of damage and slows AND marks the enemy, which extends his E range. His E is a dash that gets extended by his W and gives him extra attack speed which can help…


Teemo is one of those champions that take the most skill out of anyone in this game.

Firstly, he's very powerful in the early laning phase due to high damage potential and high tactic. However, he's also very limited in that he'll still have trouble fighting nearly every other opponent in the game, which is why Teemo should be respected, and worshipped for not being a flashy 12-15 year old appeasing champ with True Damage, CC, Dashes & Sustain.

He's not a Darius or a Katarina that will get fed and absolutely stomp with no weaknesses in sight. If Teemo gets fed, he still has to play smart and strategize to win, he'll just have an easier time with his (R) and his (Q), but he can't just press (R) in the middle of the teamfight and 1v5 like half the champs in this game and then get away with his forty dashes, invulnerability, CC and bright flashy lights (Which he doesn't have).

Teemo needs to strategize, no matter how powerful he gets. He needs to place his mushrooms with thought. He ne…

Ezreal guide being delayed

Unfortunately, I won't be working at all on my Ezreal guide that I'm cookin up this weekend, as it is my birthday tomorrow, and I don't really want to be working on the guide during my birthday weekend. Hope you understand. Ezreal guide will still be out by the end of this month. Some other news is that I am also working on greatly boosting up the visual appearance of my Lethality Garen guide, which probably won't be released until around mid April. I am also currently trying to gain more of a recognition in the MOBAFire community, so if you like my guides, and wouldn't mind sharing them with a friend, then it would be appreciated.


League of Legends Champions:

Teamfight Tactics Guide