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Braum Build Guide by Bolybuff

Support Bolybuff's [Hail of Blades] Braum & Tahm Support Guide

Support Bolybuff's [Hail of Blades] Braum & Tahm Support Guide

Updated on May 2, 2023
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bolybuff Build Guide By Bolybuff 10,484 Views 0 Comments
10,484 Views 0 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author Bolybuff Braum Build Guide By Bolybuff Updated on May 2, 2023
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Choose Champion Build:

  • LoL Champion: Braum
  • LoL Champion: Tahm Kench

Runes: Hail of Blades + Resolve

1 2 3
Hail of Blades
Cheap Shot
Zombie Ward
Ultimate Hunter

Font of Life
Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Exhaust


LoL Summoner Spell: Flash


Threats & Synergies

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None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
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Champion Build Guide

Bolybuff's [Hail of Blades] Braum & Tahm Support Guide

By Bolybuff
Why Hail of Blades?
Hail of Blades benefit champions that wants to stack their passive quick to get bonus effects. It grants a burst of attack speed for your next 3 basic attacks on a target.

Hail of Blades is commonly used on Vi's Denting Blows, Twitch's Deadly Venom, and lastly Xin Zhao's Determination. It enhances their burst damage, but otherwise lacks sustained damage with Lethal Tempo & Conqueror as their primary rune setup.

So Why on Braum and Tahm Kench? Because they both have passives ( Concussive Blows & An Acquired Taste) that pairs extraordinarily well with Hail of Blades.

Braum requires him and/or his teammate to land 4 consecutive basic attacks on a marked Concussive Blows target in order to trigger a stun effect.

Tahm Kench on the other hand, requires him to basic attack (ahem, licking) 3 times on a target for his An Acquired Taste. The indicator will show a biting fish ontop the marked enemy, during this time he can Tongue Lash to stun the enemy, Devour the enemy. Also, you can combo Tongue Lash to increase the range for your Devour.

You may have noticed that the most commonly used rune is Guardian on both of these champions. However, the problem is the cooldown is long and can be triggered by a minor basic attack by an enemy and it will go on a whopping 90 second cooldown. Compared to Hail of Blades flat 12 second cooldown.

As a disruptor/peel support that relies on stacking their passives, Hail of Blades becomes good contender against an all-in supports and botlaner. (e.g Leona) that wants to get onto you or your botlaner's face often. You will be able to stack Concussive Blows or An Acquired Taste faster compared to a Guardian user.

In botlane, damage trades usually happens short and decisively. in which Hail of Blades can shine in.

Hail of Blades can be used aggresively. As Braum, you can land your Winter's Bite which can slow the enemy, which also speeds up Approach Velocity (if you are using one), once you are face to face, you can quickly stack your Concussive Blows that ultimately leads to a stun. You can close the gap by using Stand Behind Me on an ally minion or an ally's champion dash or blink ability aggresively. Unbreakable also provides some movement speed that can give you some cover while you hard engage on the enemy. It can also be used defensively, as you are built to let them come to you (which is what you want), land your empowered Concussive Blows while your Hail of Blades is active, for peeling your carry.

Likewise, Tahm Kench can achieve very similar results with Hail of Blades, like Braum's Winter's Bite, he can Tongue Lash that also applies a slow effect and he can either close the gap with Abyssal Dive or walk towards the slowed enemy menancingly while Approach Velocity is active. Once face to face, you can quickly lick it 3 times for maxed An Acquired Taste to combo with Devour or apply a stun from your next Tongue Lash. The idea is similar vice versa when play defensively.
Lesser Runes
You will be taking Domination as primary + Resolve or Inspiration secondary for your rune setup.

Zombie Ward if you are confident that you can contest in vision with Oracle Lens by destroying enemy wards.
Ghost Poro if you are less confident in contesting vision, with an increase in vision duration after your wards expire.
Relentless Hunter if you like to roam faster, or more out-of-combat movement.
Ultimate Hunter if you like your ultimate up sooner so you can use them aggresively and defensively with Glacial Fissure or Devour while also triggering Approach Velocity if you have one in your match.
Ingenious Hunter reduces Locket of the Iron Solari active shield buff cooldown.
Cheap Shot since you are able to land CC sooner, a little bit more damage can go a long way.
Taste of Blood if you want a little more survivability.
Bone Plating good against all-in supports or champions that wants chain combo you.
Second Wind good against poke based champions and supports, stronger overall sustain in lane when you are out of Health Potion.
Font of Life a good support item that offer some sustain to your botlaner when enemy has been slowed or CC'd by you.
Magical Footwear saves you 300 gold and generally good against all-in supports so if you manage to win the fight, you can get your free boots sooner. Very economy for supports.
Biscuit Delivery helps survive laning phase better. basically free [health potion]] with bonus mana. You can also sell them if you didn't use them during the laning phase.
Approach Velocity synergizes well with Glacial Fissure, Winter's Bite, Tongue Lash etc.
Cosmic Insight if you want to use your Flash, Exhaust, Ignite and Locket of the Iron Solari more often.
Time Warp Tonic if you want to more timed aggresive trades.
Minion Dematerializer if enemy is putting pressure but you still really need to get that cannon minion for upgrading your starting item's passive sooner, but if you try to basic attack it will put you in danger.
Future's Market if you want to get item spike sooner.

Depending on matchup, you can run double flat armor or flat armor + MR points instead of scaling health. You want to adjust your runes depending on your matchup.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author Bolybuff
Bolybuff Braum Guide
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Bolybuff's [Hail of Blades] Braum & Tahm Support Guide

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