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Choose Champion Build:
Recommended Items
Runes: Hail of Blades + Resolve
+10% Attack Speed
+6 Armor
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Ability Order
Concussive Blows (PASSIVE)
Braum Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
I dont think you can block her double snare with your E. Otherwise you are at risk of doing lux a favor by jumping to your ally while she throws her binding Q. Her ult passes through your E. You can still potentially block her rest of her abilties though.
He can double AA which can do wonders for quickly stacking your passive ability. Can dash with you and away. You can W to his dash for aggresive engages. A wonderful pair to play alongside with. Also opens up your range of movement.
He can double AA which can do wonders for quickly stacking your passive ability. Can dash with you and away. You can W to his dash for aggresive engages. A wonderful pair to play alongside with. Also opens up your range of movement.
Champion Build Guide

So Why on

You may have noticed that the most commonly used rune is

As a disruptor/peel support that relies on stacking their passives,

In botlane, damage trades usually happens short and decisively. in which


Depending on matchup, you can run double flat armor or flat armor + MR points instead of scaling health. You want to adjust your runes depending on your matchup.
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