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Sivir Ability (LoL): Boomerang Blade

Boomerang Blade Sivir

Sivir Ability: Boomerang Blade
Range: 1250
Cooldown: 10 / 9.5 / 9 / 8.5 / 8
Cost: 55 / 60 / 65 / 70 / 75
Sivir hurls her crossblade, dealing 15 / 30 / 45 / 60 / 75 (+60% of ability power) (+0.8 / 0.85 / 0.9 / 0.95 / 1.0 per attack damage to all enemies it cuts through before returning, dealing damage a second time. This ability deals 60% less damage per non-champion hit, down to a minimum of 15%.

Sivir's Abilities

Sivir Ability: Boomerang Blade Sivir Ability: Boomerang Blade Sivir Ability: Boomerang Blade Sivir Ability: Boomerang Blade
Boomerang Blade is used by Sivir

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TwitcherBrain (37) | August 31, 2012 7:31am
If Sivir builds Manamune, she can spam that ability and Hard Harass Low Range champions( Vayne, Garen etc.).
Neglected (5) | May 18, 2012 7:41am
A Spell Shield will only block once hit of this ability. If you get hit by the first hit, don't expect to be able to stand there and block the next one too, because you will get a nasty surprise..
ExamplePrime (33) | November 3, 2010 9:50am
Been changed to work off attack damage
Surprise many people at the burst damage on it if you hit them with the rebound to
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