Lucian with PTA will kick your shins so hard in the early phases of the game. Luckily once you grab first legendary, it's now a skill match up.
Although in the early game he isn't much of a threat to you, until he grabs brutalizer or serrated dirk. His passive makes it hard for your soldiers to stay on him and he outrages you in many ways.
Her poke is more of a minor convenience as you can outrange her, she's a 2 because you can't really engage on her unless she already used her net.
Ashe herself isn't really the threat, but her ultimate is. Her ultimate is going to be your biggest downfall, never engage unless you're sure it's on cooldown.
Compared to most hook champions, pyke's one is the most dodgeable and he's the easiest to run away from as an Azir. Since you not only have a shield, you have a big dash and a disengage.
Self explanatory, but sometimes getting hooked is a good thing. Because if you get ult before he can use his E on you. You can shove them to your tower or to your allies.
He is almost inescapable once hooked and getting hit by one CC from him is game over for you. Since he can stop both your dash and a point and click CC that follows through your ult. There's not much you can do against him in lane.
The only thing you watch out for is the chompers, other than that you destroy her easily.
My favorite ADC to bully
It is relatively easy to deal with vayne, the only time you'll struggle is if you somehow get stunned by her E. Other than that, you can burst her down with your entire skill set.
It's becomes more of who can land their Q's more than the other contest.
When she's the support, she becomes the main priority target, Not the ADC.
Do not engage unless both her ult and Q are down.
Her ult can completely nullify your burst combo when going AP, and it's generally hard to go in on her. Luckily you outrange her, you just can't engage on her. Only Q auto poke.
Early game, stay far away from her until you reach 6. By then you can bait her to tower and ult her into it. Careful though, if she ults in the same time, even if you push her away, her ult's big enough to pull you back in.
Only a threat with a CC support. Other than that, she is one of the easier to bully.
I hate him in every stage of the game. Even if you can easily burst him down, his burn damage still kills you from just 1 ability.
She can both peel for your soldiers and can combo pretty well when you engage in.
The slow from Nami's E can make your trade combo oppressive.
With the new items and AD imperial mandate, Ashe is surprisingly oppressive. A single ult from her can set up a really good Shuriman shuffle.
He is horrible for Azir. Although theoretically amazing due to the range increase. No, he just doesn't give him enough. It's best to play safe until much later in the game with Milio.
It's more on how good the bard is for how good he pairs with Azir.
He can keep them lock down onto your soldiers attack range. By the time his CC ends, your Q is up to reposition for more damage.
One of the best supports you can ask for as not only can he lock enemies down for your W, he can set up an amazing Shuriman shuffle for you, and gives you a small bit of sustain in lane.
Against any poke supports, she is a god send. She can also compensate your bad early damage with her great early damage.
Surprisingly not that good on Azir.
She can both peel for your soldiers and can combo pretty well when you engage in.
The slow from Nami's E can make your trade combo oppressive.
With the new items and AD imperial mandate, Ashe is surprisingly oppressive. A single ult from her can set up a really good Shuriman shuffle.
He is horrible for Azir. Although theoretically amazing due to the range increase. No, he just doesn't give him enough. It's best to play safe until much later in the game with Milio.
It's more on how good the bard is for how good he pairs with Azir.
He can keep them lock down onto your soldiers attack range. By the time his CC ends, your Q is up to reposition for more damage.
One of the best supports you can ask for as not only can he lock enemies down for your W, he can set up an amazing Shuriman shuffle for you, and gives you a small bit of sustain in lane.
Against any poke supports, she is a god send. She can also compensate your bad early damage with her great early damage.
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