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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Brand Build Publish

Tags: Brand 3,955

  • I2TheTo

    Brand Build Publish

    I published my Build to Brand, when I can see it on the website?
  • Answers (2)

    Ekki (86) | March 21, 2017 3:50am
    It's where L3gislacerator said (, but it's a build, not a full guide. You need your build to have over certain amount of characters in the chapters for it to be a full guide.
    utopus (313) | March 21, 2017 6:24pm
    To elaborate, your build needs to contain more than 5000 characters to be flagged as a 'guide'. I strongly recommend finding a way to do this; You are much more likely to receive feedback and views by having a 'guide' as opposed to a 'build'
    L3gislacerator (49) | March 20, 2017 10:41am
    It already shows for me over at Brand's main page:
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