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League of Legends (LoL) Question: braum builds

Posted in Champions 3,204

  • Devonte

    braum builds

    Hello all,

    I am fairly new to LOLz(about two weeks in), and I decided to purchase Braum as my first character. I know that he is a Tank/Supporter but I was wondering if anyone had a good idea for item build that would make him a bit of a bruiser. I know its out of pocket but i figured, hey im still fighting bots so mind as well have a bit of fun. Not to mention This guys looks mean and strong as hell... With an intense mustache. Anyways I appreciate your consideration, and look forward to checking out your ideas.
  • Answers (2)

    Foxy Riven (129) | August 26, 2014 2:03am
    I'd rather go Jax-style with Trinity Force & Blade of the Ruined King followed by tanky items.

    He's better bottom lane with an ADC by his side though. He only has one damage ability and gets outclassed top lane.
    OTGBionicArm (415) | August 25, 2014 6:16pm
    By bruiser do you mean a solo laner... damage dealing champion? Braum is not exactly good at these things. He can deal decent damage and scare carries away with the right setup but he struggles if he's alone (his kit is purposely designed to suck by himself) and as a support he likely wont have the gold to build in a meaningful bruiser fashion.

    If you're intent on building him as a bruiser, some choice items on him would be Iceborn Gauntlet and Wit's End, which both increase his offense and defense. I do not advocate buying either of these on support Braum unless you're super fed.
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