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League of Legends (LoL) Question: Braum Gold Income

Posted in Champions | Tags: Braum 3,866

  • Samwise126

    Braum Gold Income

    I enjoy playing Braum, and have climbed a few divisions with him, but I have noticed that my gold income is consistently and noticeably lower than the rest of the team. I know that comes from not having cs but even with 50%-60% contribution to kills my gold doesn't hit 10K in a 30 minute game. Is this normal or am I doing something wrong that is minimizing my gold?

    Note: I usually build full tank. FotM, Mobi Boots, Sight Stone, Frozen Heart, etc.
    In my last 14 Braum games I peaked at 13K gold in a one sided game, but next lowest teammate had 3K+ more gold.
  • Answers (3)

    PsiGuard (1495) | October 18, 2015 3:51pm
    Supports should (most of the time) have the least gold on the team. Compare your gold to the enemy support to see if you're behind or not. A lot of your gold can come from towers and assists so make sure you're making as many good team plays as you can.
    Ekki (86) | October 17, 2015 2:59pm
    It's normal to be behind as a support. I guess you can try to make a better use of the support item's passive and lasthit (ONLY the very late last hit) when you're alone in lane.

    If you feel like you're too behind, you can always check the other team's support and compare his gold to yours. You can even compare the total gold per minute graph, to see where were your weak gold phases. Not that it's a fair comparison, but at least you have more data points.
    JakeParkbench | October 16, 2015 12:47pm
    As a support this is quite normal, by not cs'ing you have no gold income other then you gold gen item (which is not really that much, just enough) and what you get from assists and an odd kill. But if you are climbing you are playing correctly. The best supports do the most with the least.
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