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Briar Build Guide by BriarEnjoyerX

Middle Briar Mid Guide (W execute 1 tap) | UPDATED FOR S14.3 | Matchups ⚔️

Middle Briar Mid Guide (W execute 1 tap) | UPDATED FOR S14.3 | Matchups ⚔️

Updated on February 19, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX Build Guide By BriarEnjoyerX 16 1 45,367 Views 3 Comments
16 1 45,367 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX Briar Build Guide By BriarEnjoyerX Updated on February 19, 2024
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Hail of Blades
Sudden Impact
Eyeball Collection
Treasure Hunter

Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+65 Base Health


1 2
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None
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Briar mid

Welcome I'm a mastery 7 Briar trying out different builds and roles, and one combo i really enjoyed playing is lethality mid. Her W complements the Cyclosword perfectly and along with Q your enemies wont be able to escape. It is very easy to get fed as not only are most midlaners squishy giving you a giant advantage as a healing assassin but you can also jump over a wall in the backside of a teamfight and kill the adc with ease. All of my games where i win lane i end up with at least 20 kills and when i lose lane i get at least 10. Briar is very good at waveclear and outscaling the enemy champion which makes you the MID DIFF.

How to win lane

To win lane as Briar on mid you need to FIRST AND FOREMOST REMEMBER: Never engage untill lvl 3 or if any skill is off cooldown, If you launch your W without having your E ready you will most likely follow the enemy under tower resulting in your death, because Mid is the shortest lane. If you engage without Q you wont be able to stun the opponent so you both wont benefit from the Armor Shred of your Q and you will also miss out some dmg because they can dash/flash away from your W and you wont be able to catch up to them. THE SECOND STEP: remember to always roam when your R is up, be it to help your teammates or to finish off enemies. The reason why I decided to play so much Briar mid in the first place is because her ult can reach almost anywhere in the map from the centre. Farming with briar in the Mid-Game becomes very easy so make sure to get as much of a kill advantage because noone will be able to beat your CS, make sure to utterly crush them and make sure to read the items page next :).

Item Explanation

With the new Season came the new Lethality Items. Not only that but the updated lethality system makes Briar even more broken. Im going to explain why and which items I buy:||New for 14.2: Lich bane because added Q magic penetration|| Always buy first item Voltaic Cyclosword - It does extra 100 damage on Energised hit which adds a lot of value to short engages, also this item Slows the enemy preventing their escape and ensuring your kill. Second item I buy is always Hubris - It provides you with 15 + 1(per kill) AD for 1:30m after a takedown (kill OR assist), providing you with a boost of AD which you can never have enough of :D. Third item is Seryldas Grudge - Although the slow was nerfed to only affect people under 50% HP you will shred through enemies so fast that you wont notice a thing. Another important function of the item is to give you around 24% armor penetration and 15 lethality, helping with armored opponents. Fourth item is Sundered Sky - It works really well with Briar's kit giving her healing, extra dmg and extra health. Last item is Guardian Angel, pretty self explanatory: What is better than 1 Briar? 2 Briars

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League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX
BriarEnjoyerX Briar Guide
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Briar Mid Guide (W execute 1 tap) | UPDATED FOR S14.3 | Matchups ⚔️

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