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Runes: Standard
+8 Ability Haste
+10-180 Bonus Health
+65 Base Health
Ability Order Standard
Crimson Curse (PASSIVE)
Briar Passive Ability
Crimson Curse (PASSIVE)
Briar Passive Ability
Threats & Synergies
My best advice is to permaban him. His hook is way too much of a threat for you and ur adc since while you are using E you are inmobile and if he hooks your adc he gets oneshotted. Also the hooking over the walls is too much of a risk in general specially when your adcs dont usually respect blitzs
Very rarely picked as support, however if he plays him right you cant really play the game unless you also play for peel but you better forget about engaging at all, His W stops your Q he can taunt you after you try to all in them so you cant run away, and his R will save everyone you caught while roaming(Serpent fangs is a MUST here and try to outroam him pre level 6 or try to bait his R then try to catch people off ward)
Same as darius his R damage will delete you if you are not carefull so always use your E for heal when you are half hp so he doenst one shot you
You have to prevent him from getting 5 stacks since you cant reduce his true damage so either try to kill him first or send him away with your E
If you are the only engage of the team you are going to have a rough time against him. Specially if he maxes w since he gives so much resistances, better to wait if they make big mistakes or braum tries to engage thats when you can turn around, otherwise better wait for level 6 since you will fear anyone near the target you landed your R. Overall best for you to just chill in lane and try to roam or wait enemy mistakes
Kinda like braum, if he is smart you can really play the game, however most thresh are always looking for engage so after he misses Q(or hits you with it) you can turn around the fight as long as you hit your E(However if he plays for scale and for peel you just gotta do the same since if you engage first you WILL lose unless you are already very ahead) (you may also try to dodge his Q with W and instantly use E so you dont chase thresh, just quick tap it to remove the frenzy effect)
This is more of a draven thing but you need to play safe early game since he can just run you down easily unless you have a very strong adc early game(Trist/kalista/samira). Later on you will be able to annoy draven a lot but if you fed him early its kinda gg.(Then again thats just draven things)
If gragas plays correctly and goes for peel he is gonna be a pain in the ass since he can just poke you and stop your engage everytime, best thing you can do is also play for peel and try to bait his Q so he doesnt poke your adc.(also when he gets level 6 be carefull going in since he can just bomba you under his tower)
Hard matchup in general since he also has great sustain and peel however you can still oneshot him if he gets close to the walls or try to bait him into wasting his E stun so you can dodge with W and going for him or his adc.
Pretty even matchup however you must NEVER engage first if you are close enemy tower if he has his monitor on he will insec you into their side of the lane and early on they can run you down. However if he goes first you can just stun their adc and since you have more damage than him you can just focus enemy adc down( Or even stun alistar into a wall with ur e and kill him pre level 6)
He has weak early since you can dodge one of his bombs with W but later on he will be a pain to deal with if you dont get ahead so try to abuse his weak early game.
She has lots of poke and shield however she cant really stop your engage, try to bait her Q then look for engage( Serpent fangs 2 or 3 items is HIGHLY recommended to make her useless)
You have lower cooldowns than her shield so just bait her shield or do a mini engange then re engage again when your cds are up again
Milio can be kind of a pain in combination with cait or something similar so you will have to engage them to keep the pressure up, However you must use your W diagonally to dodge his Q if he tries to kick you away(since your Q has quite the range you can look for those kind of angles) Also serpents fangs is HIGHLY recommended
Renata Glasc
She can be very easy matchup or a big pain, if you can just chill farm and roam she cant do anything about it and you just win in other parts of the map. However if you must win lane hard she can be very dangerous with her W(Although you will close the gap very easily if you can land the E stun they can turn around and kill you)(Try to bait her E or Q before all in)
Kind of a weird matchup since you cant really kill each other however you can try to stop his engage with Q or try to land a good E so his team cant follow behind him when he goes all in. In lane if you try to engage try to use your E when he W so you dodge his cc and stun them if you can or just send them away.
Let her engage then turn the fight around with a good E, not much else can be said about the matchup, if you have agressive botlane you can also just engage their adc and tank the damage and cc with your E( dont try to fight her without E though).
She will never be able to kill you, however if she plays smart you wont be able to all in her(you will be able to trade but you will most likely wont get the kill) However if she wastes E it should be free to engage as long as your adc isnt 100 hp(So try to bait her into poking you since you can just heal it with E)
She will be annoying if you let her scale for free, try to look for engage baiting her E so she doesnt stop you, if you can land stun they will lose every trade hard or you can even get the kill.
Can be annoying since they have sustain and poke, however if you get close enough for insta stunt or even dodge her bubble with your W, she is pretty easy to deal with.(You can also dodge her R with your R)
Just all in him and he pretty much insta dies, he has no mobility and if you bait one ability so you dont get insta cced before landing your Q its pretty much free.(Also after you have a few points in E you can just outsustain him poke)
This will mostly depend on the janna player, however they usually wont respect you and you can just W Q her when she gets close to poke you, so you will get a lot of opportunities to actually all in her (Also remember her Q cant stop your E so after you stun her you can start using your E to stun her against the wall, and since she will stop for a second to use her Q you will have time to stun her again against the wall)
She will always try to all in your adc(or you although it will be weird) so if you just play for peel she wont be doing much since your E can either stun them or just send them flying away and she cant do much about it. Just play for peel and this matchup wont be really a problem
Play for peel and you can turn around this matchup very quickly, worst thing that can happen in this matchup is getting camped by enemy jungler while yours doesnt play for bot.(If he ults you can either E to block most damage whle you are in the air or even R him so you dodge his stun) (IMPORTANT DONT DISRESPECT HIS LEVEL 1-2 THEY CAN ALL IN YOU OR YOUR ADC AND WIN IF YOU DONT LAND E)
Same thing as milio as long as you dont W in a straight line you will always be able to stun her and go all in.(You will also bait a lot of her ults if you have E because you can just tank it with no problem).
Her silence can completely outplay you if she knows what to do....Spoiler she wont so maybe you just take one second longer to stun her but you will be able to all in since your movement speed will let you run over her silence(However do NOT wait until you are 1 hp to use E since she can silence you and you wont be able to do anything)(Antiheal is highly recommended for obvious reasons).
If you are carefull level 1-2 you will perma win when he goes in, you can also just chill until you get a bit of armor and he will do 0 damage to you, as long as he engages first you are just chilling.
Dodge his E with W and run him down, be carefull going all in when he has level 6 though try to be near a wall to stun him with your E or wait for him to waste cooldowns( anti heal is a must for obvious reasons)
he can make you miss your E with his Q so its a bit annoying but if you wait him to engage you can focus him down or the enemy adc and he wont be able to do much,
You can stop his hook with your Q or just dodge with W into stunning him, if he hooks your adc you can E them away however your adc will be highly damaged so try to tank the hook for them, then try to outplay with your W(You can dodge his E with your W dash)( you can also bait him into wasting ult with your E healing)
Dodge her root and you can go all in, carefull where you use W so you dont chase her clone since its the only thing she can do to actually bait you around.(remember to count minions so your adc doesnt get ulted)(also you can send her away while she is casting R with your E so you can really stop her ult if you timed it right)
She needs to got close to wall for her stun so....yeah just wait her to go in then focus her down she can never kill you and pre level 6 you can perma stun her against the wall if she tries to jump(Her only REAL threat is level 1 and if they get level 2 first besides that you are literally chilling on this matchup) (IMPORTANT: YOU MUST TANK THE STUN FOR THE ADC DONT LET UR ADC BE THE ONE BEING STUNNED)
Her W wont stop your E so if you are fast enough you can just W Q E and when she polymorphs you, you are already casting E so you will stun them or just send them away with a favorable trade.(Serpents fangs works very good against her)
Not much to say honestly, just all in her or perma roam if they are playing under tower, she cant really do much against you unless her jungler baby sits her lane(Serpents fangs is also recommended against her)
if you dont let her poke you down hard level 1-2 you can all in her every time(SPECIALLY IF SHE WASTES W SO TRY TO BAIT IT FOR FREE ENGAGE)
I mean its yuumi what is she gonna do? Afk you to death? just go all in with level 3 or even level 2 if you get it sooner than enemy botlane, buy serpents fangs second or 3 item and she will be legit useless.(you can either kill them perma or just roam and play around the map she WONT follow any of the plays happening and if for some reason she gets out you can just W Q her fast and kill her)
Very strong early game and can snowball very hard, kalista R can be used to save you if you go too deep or for extra peel for kalista
Jarvan IV
You can go with him inside his ult and just stun everyone inside, very good roaming together to look for kills, in general very good combo if you have him on jungle
She can engage with R and you can run people down together,plus you can also kite a lot with her
The combo of veigar cage with your E is very strong anyone who gets stucked inside of his cage will get the full CC duration of his E plus yours, later on everyone just gets obliterated if they cant flash away from the cage(I dont like him that much on botlane, id rather let him mid)
Very good all in and you can run people down, also if you land E stun her bomb could do massive AOE damage
Good cc chain if you land E and you can keep people away from her, you can also just afk farm if matchup isnt ideal
Similar playstyle to kalista, just snowball hard and dominate the game.
Her passive synergies very well with your whole kit and you have great all in plus the exp advantage, however she can get poked out of lane very fast if you dont play first 2 levels correctly
You can go around the map chasing people with her so she gets a lot of her marks and you can kick people out of her ultimate so you get the full value while enemy team cant get the inmortality buff
Jinx is pretty good with you since you can abuse her traps for extra peel or cc chain and if you get her resets teamfights are pretty much over, you also got a LOT of knights vow value
You apply her pasive very fast and have good cc chain with each other
Try to wait level 2 or 3(depends if you can get level 2 before enemy botlane) then look for engage and just snowball(IMPORTANT: BE CAREFULL WITH YOUR E SINCE YOU CAN SOMETIMES MOVE THEM AWAY FROM HER SO DONT TRY TO AIM E AT THEM UNLESS U ARE 100% IT WILL LAND OR FORCE FLASH)
You have good trades and if she lands her root you get secured E, enemy team dont usually expect the cc chain you can do, she also have good escape tools with R so you can roam without fearing she dies in the 2 vs 1
If your vayne lands her E on the wall you pretty much oneshot anyone with the cc chain, however the bigger spike is with level 6 to run people down or kite them
Corki actually has a pretty good burst combo with you since his E reduceds armor and MR and your Q reduces armor too, they wont probably expect the damage and you also have good short trades since he will always land his Q
You pre level 6 will be pretty weak however with your ultimates you will be his bait, going in and provoking enemy team to go for you while he goes invisible and wipe them out with R(you can also try to front to back with him but it wont be as effective)
Miss Fortune
Good early trades and if you land your E she can ult both of them(Makes sure she waits for your E stun before ulting or you will send them away and save them from her ult, so make sure to tell her to wait your E stun)
You guys have good all ins and you are able to keep up with kaisa to protect her when she dives behind enemy team, High risk high reward kind of gameplay(If she goes ap you can also just be the bodyguard for her).
The only big problem is level 1 and 2 since enemy botlane can bully really hard but in the end you can peel him and later on aphelios will be a monster( you also have great pick potential with his purple gun)
you will be just be a bodyguard for him but you wont be able to do much else with him, good for when you want to perma roam since he cant really get dived but not much synergy with each other
Unless you are in a comp where he can onetaps everything he isnt very good since he doesnt really have DPS he is more of a burst so if you cant burst them you cant do much with him in lane and later one he will be using his R from far away so maybe you dont even get knights vow value with him
Right now kog its kinda weak in my opinion so unless you go with lulu/Milio he wont be able to do much in the game. However if you have to play with kog try to abuse short trades when he has W and later on just try to peel as much as you can, let others engage or kog wont be able to play the game most of the times
Kinda like ezreal you will be just her bodyguard and just let her scale, you dont really have much to do besides that,so roaming is good here(The only thing she can help you with is with R but you dont really have that much of a problem to catch people).
You either go 50/0 or 0/50 with him, you will need to land your E always so you can stomp lane and play the game, if lane goes even or bad you wont do anything together most likely
You cant trade on lane since his early is super weak and you cant leave him alone since he would get dived 90 times if enemy team plays correctly(he is also very weak rn)
Very strong early game and can snowball very hard, kalista R can be used to save you if you go too deep or for extra peel for kalista
Jarvan IV
You can go with him inside his ult and just stun everyone inside, very good roaming together to look for kills, in general very good combo if you have him on jungle
She can engage with R and you can run people down together,plus you can also kite a lot with her
The combo of veigar cage with your E is very strong anyone who gets stucked inside of his cage will get the full CC duration of his E plus yours, later on everyone just gets obliterated if they cant flash away from the cage(I dont like him that much on botlane, id rather let him mid)
Very good all in and you can run people down, also if you land E stun her bomb could do massive AOE damage
Good cc chain if you land E and you can keep people away from her, you can also just afk farm if matchup isnt ideal
Similar playstyle to kalista, just snowball hard and dominate the game.
Her passive synergies very well with your whole kit and you have great all in plus the exp advantage, however she can get poked out of lane very fast if you dont play first 2 levels correctly
You can go around the map chasing people with her so she gets a lot of her marks and you can kick people out of her ultimate so you get the full value while enemy team cant get the inmortality buff
Jinx is pretty good with you since you can abuse her traps for extra peel or cc chain and if you get her resets teamfights are pretty much over, you also got a LOT of knights vow value
You apply her pasive very fast and have good cc chain with each other
Try to wait level 2 or 3(depends if you can get level 2 before enemy botlane) then look for engage and just snowball(IMPORTANT: BE CAREFULL WITH YOUR E SINCE YOU CAN SOMETIMES MOVE THEM AWAY FROM HER SO DONT TRY TO AIM E AT THEM UNLESS U ARE 100% IT WILL LAND OR FORCE FLASH)
You have good trades and if she lands her root you get secured E, enemy team dont usually expect the cc chain you can do, she also have good escape tools with R so you can roam without fearing she dies in the 2 vs 1
If your vayne lands her E on the wall you pretty much oneshot anyone with the cc chain, however the bigger spike is with level 6 to run people down or kite them
Corki actually has a pretty good burst combo with you since his E reduceds armor and MR and your Q reduces armor too, they wont probably expect the damage and you also have good short trades since he will always land his Q
You pre level 6 will be pretty weak however with your ultimates you will be his bait, going in and provoking enemy team to go for you while he goes invisible and wipe them out with R(you can also try to front to back with him but it wont be as effective)
Miss Fortune
Good early trades and if you land your E she can ult both of them(Makes sure she waits for your E stun before ulting or you will send them away and save them from her ult, so make sure to tell her to wait your E stun)
You guys have good all ins and you are able to keep up with kaisa to protect her when she dives behind enemy team, High risk high reward kind of gameplay(If she goes ap you can also just be the bodyguard for her).
The only big problem is level 1 and 2 since enemy botlane can bully really hard but in the end you can peel him and later on aphelios will be a monster( you also have great pick potential with his purple gun)
you will be just be a bodyguard for him but you wont be able to do much else with him, good for when you want to perma roam since he cant really get dived but not much synergy with each other
Unless you are in a comp where he can onetaps everything he isnt very good since he doesnt really have DPS he is more of a burst so if you cant burst them you cant do much with him in lane and later one he will be using his R from far away so maybe you dont even get knights vow value with him
Right now kog its kinda weak in my opinion so unless you go with lulu/Milio he wont be able to do much in the game. However if you have to play with kog try to abuse short trades when he has W and later on just try to peel as much as you can, let others engage or kog wont be able to play the game most of the times
Kinda like ezreal you will be just her bodyguard and just let her scale, you dont really have much to do besides that,so roaming is good here(The only thing she can help you with is with R but you dont really have that much of a problem to catch people).
You either go 50/0 or 0/50 with him, you will need to land your E always so you can stomp lane and play the game, if lane goes even or bad you wont do anything together most likely
You cant trade on lane since his early is super weak and you cant leave him alone since he would get dived 90 times if enemy team plays correctly(he is also very weak rn)
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