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Briar Build Guide by BriarEnjoyerX

Briar Top Guide |14.3| Shred Tanks || One tap ADCs || 🩸 🩸 || Another BriarEnjoyerX classic

Briar Top Guide |14.3| Shred Tanks || One tap ADCs || 🩸 🩸 || Another BriarEnjoyerX classic

Updated on February 6, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX Build Guide By BriarEnjoyerX 8 0 15,306 Views 3 Comments
8 0 15,306 Views 3 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX Briar Build Guide By BriarEnjoyerX Updated on February 6, 2024
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Runes: Skullsplitting :D

1 2
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Sudden Impact
Treasure Hunter

+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+10-180 Bonus Health


1 2
Take this 90% of the time
LoL Summoner Spell: Ghost


LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


Ability Order Take E 1st for disengage, W second so u can engage and stop with E, and Q third

Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Briar Top Guide |14.3| Shred Tanks || One tap ADCs || 🩸 🩸 || Another BriarEnjoyerX classic

By BriarEnjoyerX
Check out my Briar Mid build!


Briar Mid Guide


Garen Mid Lethality/Hybrid Build


Crit Briar [Top,Jg,Mid]


Briar Top
I'm a mastery 7 Briar trying out different builds and roles, and after trying out Briar MID with Lethality I had an idea to mix the item build with Bruiser/On-Hit items. As the toplaner you can easily secure a decently gank-free lane where you can more safely farm and secure kills compared to mid-lane. Void Grubs are very easy for Briar to solo even as a top-laner because of her healing. This will turn you into a kill-securing and teamfighting god while also making sure your whole team has the benefits of the void grubs, providing the whole team with excellent tower damage for the rest of the game.
Item Explanation
Almost always take first item

Voltaic Cyclosword

As it provides you with better waveclear on energised hit, better turret damage and provides 100 Physical dmg + a good slow to the enemy which complements your Q very well as you can now both stun and slow and Briar has 2 dashes helping the energised attack charge up faster. Second item after boots should normally be


It is the ultimate engage item - after hitting an enemy with 3 separate attacks you deal 25% Max health Physical damage AND grants you a temporary shield which absorbs some dmg. Third and Fourth items should be




Jak'Sho gives you much needed resistanses both for teamfights and tanking towers. BOTRK is similar to Eclipse, but the dmg is not % Max Health, but % Current health On-Hit. The last, but definetly not least item is

Serylda's Grudge

It perfectly rounds up your build as it provides Lethality and Armor Penetration which cause your Eclipse and BOTRK to deal more dmg.
In conclusion this build causes Briar to gain a slow, Max health DMG, Current health dmg and Missing health damage thanks to her W2, all of the damage being increased by the Lethality in Voltaic Cyclosword and the Armor Pen in Serylda's Grudge. Make sure to eat some scrubs and crying noobs.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author BriarEnjoyerX
BriarEnjoyerX Briar Guide
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Briar Top Guide |14.3| Shred Tanks || One tap ADCs || 🩸 🩸 || Another BriarEnjoyerX classic

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