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Fizz Build Guide by PPlongcook

Top Bruiser Fizz Toplane

Top Bruiser Fizz Toplane

Updated on January 18, 2024
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PPlongcook Build Guide By PPlongcook 10,202 Views 1 Comments
10,202 Views 1 Comments League of Legends Build Guide Author PPlongcook Fizz Build Guide By PPlongcook Updated on January 18, 2024
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Runes: Standard Runes

1 2 3
Press the Attack
Legend: Alacrity
Coup de Grace

Bone Plating

+10% Attack Speed
+9 Adaptive (5.4 AD or 9 AP)
+6 Armor


Summoner Spells
LoL Summoner Spell: Ignite


LoL Summoner Spell: Teleport


Threats & Synergies

Threats Synergies
Extreme Major Even Minor Tiny
Show All
None Low Ok Strong Ideal
Extreme Threats
Ideal Synergies
Ideal Strong Ok Low None

Champion Build Guide

Bruiser Fizz Toplane

By PPlongcook
Why Bruiser Fizz?
While AP fizz is almost always stronger in any given meta, the addition of more on-hit items and the removal of mythics this season makes this classic viable again, it is well suited to toplane and as a counterpick to squishy assassins in midlane.

As AD Fizz you are going to use your insane mobility and outplay potential to dual your laner, split push, and sit on top of carries in team fights, melting them while being too tanky to kill. Another fun element is you have very flexible build paths with AD Fizz, so if itemization is enjoyable to you, this is a great pick for that.


  • Strong mid game
  • Strong 1st item powerspike
  • Flexible build paths
  • Strong outplay potential
  • Very strong trading
  • Overpowered turret dives


  • Everyone on both teams hate you
  • Weak 1-2 and falls off hard late game.
  • Level 6 powerspike is not as strong as AP
  • Very item dependent
  • Requires a lead to win
Summoner Spells
You should always take Teleport and Ignite. Bruiser Fizz doesn't need to use E as often for trading like AP fizz does, and you should always keep it up when you don't know where the enemy jungler is.

Teleport will help you survive your mediocre early game as well as make plays on the map, and Ignite will allow you to play aggressive in lane.

This pick snowballs very hard, so if you play well or its an easy matchup you can come out of lane with 3/4 kills.
See the rune page section for the full pages.

You can swap Press the Attack with Conqueror, however your whole approach to lane phase will be different. You are much weaker early, and in return you get more damage later, and insane healing lategame. You will want to take long extended trades, and try to all in whenever your ult is up.

You can take the Impossible Lane page when you are against champions that will just always out trade the **** out of you and you don't feel like taking Conqueror and scaling to late. Examples of lanes this might work are Garen, Sett, Riven, and Tahm Kench. This will allow you to survive lane. Be warned your damage will be less than Press the Attack or Conqueror but you will have more health.

You can swap Legend: Alacrity for Legend: Tenacity against very heavy CC teams like Leona, Amumu, Nautilus and the like.
You will want to max abilities in the order of W-E-Q and level your ult whenever possible.

Urchin Strike
This is how you will get onto your opponent. The dash is fixed length and it applies on hit effects. Since the dash is fixed length, you can use it to reposition by dashing through minions, enemies and jungle camps to close or gain distance, as well as dash through walls.

Seastone Trident
This is your bread and butter damage ability. It is an auto attack reset so you will want to auto attack before casting for some quick burst. Use this to last hit under tower as you will get pushed in a lot with Fizz.

Playful / Trickster
This is the definitive Fizz ability, you will use it to dodge crucial abilities and CC as well as to escape or reposition. You want to avoid using it for damage as it actually reduces your DPS since you cant auto attack while on the pole. Since you don't need this ability for trading you should almost never die to a gank as Fizz. If the enemy jungler is not nearby you can use it to slow and apply some free damage. You can also use it as a finisher when you and the opponent are both very low. Do not get baited by the enemy Flash though as its very easy to Flash out of Playful / Trickster.

Chum the Waters
A nice engage and pick ability. The base damage isn't too bad and it is increased by Press the Attack by 8%. If you can land this on the carry late game its a won fight so try to get a flank on the enemy team to land a good shark. A good trick is to trade ults with the enemy laner, since both of you without ult almost always favors Fizz.
Item Builds

Starting Items

You will need to start Corrupting Potion as it allows you to force constant trades as well as survive to level 3.

First Back

Try and first back with a Recurve Bow, otherwise if you are only slightly ahead or going even a vamp scepter will give you extra sustain and trading power in lane.

In certain match ups, or when you are only a little behind, picking up a Bami's Cinder will help you clear waves and give you a little more hp for trades. Be warned that you are locking in Iceborn Gauntlet as your mythic when you buy this, and delaying your Blade of the Ruined King power spike.

Another item to pick up if you cant quite afford the cutlass but have over 900 gold is a Dark Seal. It gives you a lot more lane sustain from corrupting pot and a little snowball power from the AP.

Boots are another good buy if you have extra gold as movement speed is the most underrated stat in this game.

Core Items

You will always buy Blade of the Ruined King.

After the Blade of the Ruined King buffs, the damage is absolutely insane and if you get it first you will one shot every squishy, and 1v1 any tank or bruiser in the game provided they aren't super ahead of you.

After the Season 11 changes that turned the active into a passive, and reduced the cooldown your trading is completely bonkers, trade every time the enemy tries to CS.

Mythic Options

Your mythic choice depends on whether or not your team needs you to frontline or do damage.

Trinity Force is the damage mythic of choice. It gives all your other legendary items attack speed. Fizz has a strong synergy with the item, as your Q procs sheen for good burst, and with the S11 buffs to the attack speed and a better buildpath, you should get this most games.

Iceborn Gauntlet is the frontline mythic of choice. This one gives all your legendary items increased size and HP. The passive is insane for waveclear and will help your team out in teamfights with the AOE slow.

Divine Sunderer is when you need to deal with fed tanks and juggernauts. It gives your legendary items increased armor and magic penetration. The sheen passive is stronger than Trinity Force and you heal from it, the stats are weaker than Trinity Force which is why you should only get it when you need to deal with tanks and juggernauts.

Noob Trap Mythics

Sunfire Aegis The damage is nice, but half the point of buying a mythic items is for the legendary passive and ability haste is a wasted stat on Bruiser Fizz.

Offensive Options

Wit's End is the item to buy if the enemy has magic damage threats.

Phantom Dancer is the ultimate DPS item. If buying Wit's End is not desirable for whatever reason, this item will make you feel like Jax.

Guinsoo's Rageblade is the item to pair with Phantom Dancer if you are going for a more damage/split push build. You trade your crit for on hit damage but overall its worth it as it applies to towers and every third auto will apply all your on hit damage twice.

Titanic Hydra is the ultimate teamfighting damage item as it will give you insane burst damage, you will literally one shot a carry with Q-A-W-Titanic late game. This is a good item to pair with Iceborn Gauntlet due to the HP gain.

Ravenous Hydra can be an option if you require more healing.

Chempunk Chainsword and Mortal Reminder are the items to buy if you need to
apply on hit anti heal. Get Mortal Reminder if you built Guinsoo's Rageblade and get Chempunk Chainsword if you didn't.

Mercurial Scimitar is an alternative to the underwhelming Silvermere Dawn if you built Guinsoo's Rageblade and need Quicksilver Sash.

Defensive Options

Dead Man's Plate is the go to armor item. It gives you solid engage with good defensive stat.s

Spirit Visage conversely is the go to magic resit item. This makes your healing truly insane.

Randuin's Omen and Thornmail are the items to get when an auto attacker is fed.

Guardian Angel is a good item to get when you are carrying because it makes it almost impossible for you to die if you play your cards right.

Sterak's Gage is an item that helps you survive diving into the team.

Zhonya's Hourglass is just an OP item in general. None of the stats are technically wasted on you, and it's great as a counter to certain champions like Zed.

Silvermere Dawn is the item to buy if you need a Quicksilver Sash.

Force of Nature is a good item against heavy AP teams.
The closest comparison to this pick is Irelia. You will be darting in and out of combat, utilizing your mobility to outplay your opponents and right clicking them to death, and using your ult to initiate fights and secure picks.

Since most opponents will think you are trolling most of the time, you can pick up a lot of free **** from opponents not respecting you at all. ADC walks anywhere near you solo? Free kill. Enemy Leona blows her load on you to try and burst you? Free teamfight.

A lot of opponents will also rush magic resist against you which allows you to do a lot more damage than you should.


Your trading combo is Q-AA-W-AA. This procs Press the Attack, and does a good amount of damage, and the cooldown is very low.

With Corrupting Potion you will want to repeat this until they are low enough to die the next time you combo with Ignite.

You will save your E to disengage if the enemy wants to counter engage, or you can use it to re-engage after dodging their CC/damage abilities.

Since you are not taking Flash do NOT use E if you do not know where the enemy jungler is because you WILL get camped more than usual as everybody hates Fizz.

Once you hit level 6 you can all in after a trade or two. You will normally force flash or get a kill if they extend past the middle of the lane. Your ult does a good amount of base damage.

A very important trick when playing Bruiser Fizz is to trade ultimates with the enemy laner. You will "fake" an all in by going in on them, waiting for them to ult, and then using your ult to disengage as it has a good slow on it. Since your ult doesn't matter too much on Bruiser Fizz the next fight will almost always be in your favor.

Like some lane bullies you can proxy waves if you are ahead enough, just make sure that the enemy jungler can't kill you if he decides to show up. If you want to proxy be sure to buy Bami's Cinder early.

Tower Diving

Your dives on this champ are actually OP once you get the hang of it. Since you are so tanky and you don't need to use E to do damage you can just save it until the last second and run them down under tower.

You can secure a LOT of first bloods at levels 3-5 by trading very aggressively and getting them low and pushing the first cannon wave under turret. A lot of laners will stay and try to CS under turret, and you can dive them with Ignite. This is less effective the higher rank you are as opponents will start to respect you more.

On the flip side you are also very safe from the enemy tower diving you, as you can get them to take aggro, ult them and then E away. The tower should finish them off.


Bcause this is an unusual pick, prepare for the turbo tilt from your ******ed teammates who can't fathom someone not having decide when they wipe their ***.
It's not uncommon for me to be 3/0 in lane and still get flamed. If you get annoyed with teammates flame too easily, /mute all is your best bet because you WILL get flamed with this pick, it's inevitable.

On the other hand, lean into your off meta and own it with some psychological warfare.
Kill the enemy? Drop a "?" into all chat, or say something like "Imagine getting killed by AD fizz".
A lot of the time your enemies will flame your laner and finish their mental for you, giving you a free win. It's tilting as **** when an off meta pick wrecks lane.
I routinely have enemies give up or rage quit, and sometimes I can't blame them.
Is it toxic? Probably, but you have to get every advantage you have with this pick,and this is a huge part of it. Honestly talking **** is pretty much the only fun part of this game anymore.
The matchups are grouped in order of difficulty.


Garen: haha spin do damage. I really hate this champion and all the cavemen that play him. If he has a functioning keyboard you are just going to lose the lane. He out trades you with just Q and the heals back up in the time between him making a mistake that allows you to trade.

Riven: haha i'm a real woman. The chamionp of choice for gender confused mentally ill one tricks. Unfortunately he just counters you if played correctly and manages his cooldowns properly, there is no window to trade with him, and he will one shot you in the time it takes for you to ult him. Thank god trannies make up less than 0.6% of the population so you can afford to ban Garen instead. The higher rank you are, the more you should start banning Riven however, as all of them in higher ranks are one tricks and are complete dog**** at their secondaries.


Sett: Smooth brain champ like Garen, you will not ever win a trade with him. The saving grace is that you massively out scale him lategame.

Maokai: He has a lot of base damage and healing but that's not really the problem, the problem is that 99% of these ****ters are autofilled trash and beg their jungler to camp their lane and his gank setup is insane. Every time you extend past halfway and the jungler is top you are dead, as his root follows you through your Playful / Trickster. If he's left alone however you can kill him once you get Blade of the Ruined King.

Shen: Very frustrating lane, as he will always out trade you no matter what. It's almost impossible to tower dive him as his dodge and taunt will just **** your **** up. An interesting strategy that works against him when he doesn't have a super aggressive jungler is to rush Bami's Cinder and proxy his wave. Don't fight him and scale, and don't use your TP except to counter his ult.
It's easy to shutdown Bruiser Fizz in lane phase if you have another bruiser or a tank.

Bruiser Fizz essentially relies on outplay and mobility to get ahead and stay ahead. If Fizz is going even in lane he loses. That's the disadvantage of the pick.

Any scaling late game pick will outscale fizz. It's inevitable. If you pick a tank don't fight and force Fizz to either force a fight, or look elsewhere. Fizz needs at least a 1 item advantage to deal with a tank.

Remember that just because you won't die to him doesn't mean your teammates will survive him. I will win a lot of games because a squishy bot lane thinks they can push into me.

Respect the Blade of the Ruined King powerspike, it's insanely strong. You can and will die even if you are ahead of Fizz.

If your champion can use Blade of the Ruined King, then pick it up as you will out damage Fizz in a pure man fight.

If your champion can afford to build defensively first, then pick up a Bramble Vest as it shuts down Fizz's healing and damage early.

Don't try to outplay the Fizz early, instead abuse the fact that you can just stat check him and build a passive lead through wave manipulation and jungle ganks. A single gank can completely shut him down if you are playing a hard snowball champion like Darius, Garen, or Riven. Be careful if you have a squishy jungler however, as Fizz can just as easily burst the jungler down.
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League of Legends Build Guide Author PPlongcook
PPlongcook Fizz Guide
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Bruiser Fizz Toplane

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